Barriers should give a small amount of ult charge

Barriers are a problem, nobody likes shooting them, but what if you were farming them for ult? What if they gave you 25% of the ult charge you would get from shooting a normal target. That way the shield tanks have to be careful about feeding.

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This would make the game a lot worse in a lot of ways, especially in its current state. In this games current state, any hero who isn’t behind a shield in a teamfight is evaporated in 2 seconds. Punishing a tank for keeping their shield up is a horrible idea. Reins only way of protecting himself is his shield. orisa also cannot recall her shield. As well, ults are already too common in this game. Lot of downsides to this and realistically no positives.


Yea the main problem here is you just make tanks into even bigger ult batteries, punishing them for protecting their team well. And making tanks even worse is not really something we need to do right now.


Now that’s an interesting idea.

What if “Two BarrierTanks = BarrierDamage gives Ult charge”

Now see, with 2 barrier tanks, this could potentially be interesting. But with just one, it absolutely would not work.


It’s less that I want to punish them for protecting their team and more about punishing them for standing in the choke with their shield up like a bot. The ult charge should be even less than 25% tbh, but the game would feel a lot better if shooting barriers accomplished something more than just taking down a barrier just for it to come right back up again…

Punishing double barrier.
But what about Quadruple barrier?
Laughs in Sym ult and Brig
Actually, don’t let it effect sym’s ult.
That’d backfire SO quickly.

A piece of paper is not a barrier.

Exactly, this is what this change would hopefully prevent. With two barriers you’d have double the ult charge and with double the ults (ok not exactly double the amount of ults, but more of them) the barriers become a lot less worth it.

In order for this to happen, damage(especially burst damage) needs to be significantly reduced.

It’s a tiny shield then.

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Why not give ult charge to the tank. if they Block X amount of damage, over time. Give ult charge when the shield breaks.

That’d reward the tank for protecting the team… Interesting.

Yes I would love to see both healing and burst damage toned down a bit.