✅ Shooting DoubleBarrier = UltCharge

Here’s an idea, in the long running series of “what to do about barriers”.

Tank Rule Change

  • If two enemy players are using Sigma, Orisa, Reinhardt or Winston.
  • Then 50% of the damage dealt to the enemy barrier counts gives Ultimate charge.

Would be kinda subtle, and rare on ladder below Diamond.
But high tier play is ALL about ultimate charge economy.
And a penalty this strong would keep DoubleBarrier in check.
Even if we buffed up DoubleBarrier to be stronger than it was in September.

Credits: This is a derivative idea from Entropy.


What about giving ult charge on barrier breakage?

I’m not really fond of lasthit mechanics.

Also I don’t see what would be the point of limiting it, when it’s supposed to be a big weakness.

I would agree with ult charge from shields, if I can have a real shield instead.

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Yup, that’s the idea.

900hp shield on Orisa, +1300hp shield on Sigma.

Maybe even throw in a slight damage buff.

I would like to see people shooting it,
instead of 3 watching, and 3 flanking around it.

To be fair the ult can’t be that much as hitting players, but…

Well, one of the big benefits of this, is the other team could go Sombra, warm up that Ult, then nuke the other team.

But it still might be useful for some lastfight stall, or pirate ship cheese. Or something niche.

And people would be motivated to shoot shields,
now its start to be a kind of hide and seek.

i honestly still think that if you buff sigmas and orisas shields in a way thats not giving them straight HP double barrier isnt coming back

I think they should give barriers back their HP, but heavily discourage doublebarrier with some mechanic.

Like this one.

Well, I know it’s off topic, but what about barriers getting 2 types of HP, one is a minimal that would regen if barrier is retreated and one that is bigger, but only regen after barrier breakage? Could that work?

Like Rein has 600 HP of his barrier which is minimal HP (light blue) and 1000 HP that is dark blue and only regens after barrier is broken?

I don’t know exact good values, but would this work?

but wouldnt it also work if you buffed them in a way that it doesnt give them HP, like Cooldowns or Regen Rate so that double barrier still cant take a lot of damage but a solo tank who plays smart can use them effectively

Seems like the same difference to me, but just alternating between barriers faster.

Like giving Orisa a 300hp barrier, that refreshes every 3sec.

but then they are much less resistant to just beeing rushed down with burst like a junkrat or a bastion, aka the barrier breakers who still need a reason to be used

I’m still missing the part that would make double barrier bad, but single barrier good.

Since double barrier would benefit from more downtime.

the point isnt making it bad, its just not benefiting it as much as you would otherwise

i dont see the reason why it Needs to be bad, if you want to run double barrier you can, the issue is when its too Good

Have you read my post above :point_up:
I’m waiting on your thoughts.

[the one with 2 types of barrier HP]

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Eh, i think this would remove skill from the tanks like rein,

a tank should never let his barrier break

Well, they would be ideal if it had it’s uses.

But I’m still not seeing how giving a barrier more downtime, would benefit single barrier more than double barrier.

Well realistically if you buff them in a way so they are good on their own, sure they will be better together

but if you pair it up with off tank changes, maybe the utility of an off tank will be good enough so that running double barrier will in itself be an option, but not as effective as you are giving up a valuable utility an off tank would