Baptiste's Immortality Field Cooldown is too short

For how strong it is and neutralizes so many ultimates, the cooldown seems way to short. Feels like a mini old Mercy 5-man resurrection everytime that thing is down.


It has a 20 sec CD

And it can be destroyed easily


A million times this. This ability really isnā€™t that good if your teammates have somewhat of a brain. I think Baptiste is very niche, Iā€™m just waiting for OWL to confirm this.


He loses nothing though, itā€™s a no brainer with no risk to Baptiste. Saying something is ā€œeasyā€ to destroy doesnā€™t make it ineffective. D.vaā€™s ult is easy to dodge, yet it still wins matches. If itā€™s neutralizes one ult or even saves someone it did itā€™s job and the other guy wasted decent chunk of his time losing his ult or the enemy team lost out on a good opportunity for kills vs. 20 seconds for Baptiste from just one guys abilities.


Its also a really, REALLY easy to waste ability, since not only its easily destroyed, but also has a long CD

So no, he loses a lot of his power by not having Drone available

And btw, anyone inside it that got affected by a bomb are literally near dead and can be easily killed


Itā€™s kinda bad. No dps ever stays inside it. A single D.Va bomb is more effective than a combo with grav because no dps will get in the ring


Ana counters Immortality field. Throw your nade and watch them die.


Lets say zen had Trans as an ability instead of an ult, but you could stun him out of it, how many times a game would he save his entire team because he could trans every 20 seconds?

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well, it should be on 19s cd, Ive died too many times because that one second, and I dont die too often as bapā€¦

Immortality field has 250 hp, meaning literally every hero can prevent it. Transcendence would require a stun to prevent it, meaning only a select few heroes would be able to prevent it. Itā€™s not the best comparison.

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It would require a stun to prevent it yes, but when half the game have stuns that shouldnt be a problem?

Shield bash
Sombra hack
Mei freeze
Mei ult
Sombra ult
Rein pin
Ana sleep dart
Doomfist Rocket Punch
Steel trap

If youre saying your game doesnt have a mei, a rein, an ana, a cree, a sombra, a junkrat, a doomfist, or a brigitte, then maybe, but most games have atleast 1 hero capable of stunning opponents

It because the cooldown start while itā€™s in the air, so the time you destroy it will have like 16-13 sec, yeah not enough time to play around.

The cooldown should start after being destroyed just like torb turret.
Then decrease the cd To 17 sec.


people havimg trouble with a 20 second cd budget shield.
Pro tip. Shoot the thing.
People inside give you ult charge as long as you can harm them.
Anaā€™s nade turns it into a joke.

I know itā€™s a new toy, but learn to play at least


Itā€™s not a 20 second cooldown itā€™s shorter. Learn what the skills do in real play at least.

baptiste isnt that strong at all if you ask me. iĀ“d rather reduce it a few seconds and reduce dmg output as well but increase self heal ability :confused:


I think he is a great character and will main him with Lucio. The immortality field can save people from ults but only if he throws it in time and teammates are grouped up and near. Even then, the team will all be on low health afterwards and so can be cleaned up easily. The ult isnā€™t wasted, it still causes damage, it just does not guarantee a kill but if followed up, it will do.

Finally his ultimate is quite hard to get value from. It feels weak unless he combines it with other ults. So basically he has not got a decent game changing ultimate like zen or Lucio that can be used on attack or defence. He just has immortality field which will sometimes save people but is more like a shield than an ult.

Getting a little aggressive, should probably tone it down if you wanna keep this discussion serious. Jsayin

Yā€™all are missing the true point of his Droneā€¦ its to give Mercy Invincibility back while she rezzes you.


The CD is 20 seconds, how long the downtime it is from one deployment to the next is dependent on whether or not you have the sense to destroy it

Mercyā€™s Rez has a 30 sec CD, and she can easily be killed while casting. It also only benefits one ally.