Baptiste's Immortality Field Cooldown is too short

Lucio’s ult is on a far longer CD, and accomplishes the same thing for a much shorter duration.

I still dont understand how this monstrosity is justified, just because you could kill it (in the same couple seconds it takes for Lucio’s shielding to go away).

The idea that because it is killable afterwards that it hasnt done its primary task is ridiculous.


It can bring back someone after dying, and most likely said target could save the match, such has a tank

It also has a considerably longer range and you dont need to stay in a small place to get its effects

Right, except a good Baptiste will put his ability out of the way so it can’t just be easily destroyed. Your argument goes both ways.

your kidding right, its up for 5 secs, you can wipe a team in 10 secs before he can use it again…
Maybe people shouldn’t be muppets and use all their ults knowing he hasn’t used it yet.

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Though it doesn’t have the ability to make multiple allies invincible at the same time, allow them to build up more ult charge, etc etc while the enemy is focused on killing the stupid thing.
<.< Sure, Rez totally will lead to more gAmE SAvIng PlAYs.

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But anyone that wants said immortality, MUST stay inside the radius, and many AND I MEAN many heroes can take advantage of that

You can also get Ult charge, and if not it means that the enemy its really weak and can be easily killed

250HP, on an immobile target that floats in the air, you only need one person to destroy the thing, not the entire team, i play Baptiste myself and it takes me 2 secs to bring the thing down

it takes moira alot longer then 2 secs to bring it down.

Good thing Moira is not the only hero in a team…

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?? what do you mean does her anti heal stop the Field from working?

I think he means how you can get a good anti-nade since Drone forces them to stay together

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Okay? Though it still has many more advantages than Rez. It could be used last second to save the lives of allies, allow room for escape, and so on. And depending on the Baptiste’s placement of his IF and team comp, it will become much harder to destroy.
Many heroes can also take advantage of Mercy’s slowed movement (which makes her ridiculously predictable, and she can be HS).

True. Though it does lead to more opportunities.

See above.

I dunno, seems quite a bit stronger than Rez if ya ask me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mercy can be protected a lot easier, for example a Zarya bubble, and Drone requires the healers to follow up, since a 20% hp target wont last long

And btw, Drone is completely immobile and high in the air, Mercy can still move (just slowly) and can ress while being in the floor

You are seriously making the argument that this justifies the fact that Baptiste has my ult every 20 seconds, no cast time to dispatch, non interruptable, PLUS his own ult?

The insanity cannot be predicted.

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Basically this
Baptiste needs buffs. He’s kinda weak right now. No self sustain (the one he has doesn’t take him to full hp, and unlike ana bap can’t be far away from the fight to get a health pack) and his field has a small cast time that means it can’t be used as reactionary as you’d like

You´re the one that started comparing them

Baptiste is fine

Baptiste isnt fine, as having another character’s ult on E isn’t “fine” under any circumstance.

stop trolling, the entire roster can kill the field. 1/3 of ur stuns are ults

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Its not an ult and like many people have said before, its easy to kill, any knockback will leave it useless, you can hack it, and if the enemy used it against a bomb or Tire, they are gonna be way too weak and easy to finish of

Overall Baptiste’s kit is underwhelming. :man_shrugging:

Immortality Field may be the best thing about his kit and even then it’s still just okay. Like, as soon as you place it the enemy instantly start to target it instead of you and depending on the situation and it either gives you enough time to heal up or gets destroyed instantly and you get pancaked.

Unlike all the previous heroes, where when they’re first launched they turn out to be OP, in Baptiste’s case I think Blizzard was a bit to careful. I don’t see him doing much, honestly. You could compare him to Mercy, I believe one season the reason people were picking her was only because of her Rez and that was it. I feel with Baptiste, it may be the same way with Immortality Field. Just to block things like GravDragon, Nanoblade, etc.

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Unless shielded (which…what’s the point of immortality field anyway?) that thing is nonexistent.
I dont like the mechanics of baptiste. Gun feels weird, he Reinforces tank meta A LOT too…