Since Lucio has been in the game from day one, I"ll have to say no.
the thing is, its really not about roles vs roles. and its not about casual vs hardcore players.
its just people who want skill to matter vs people who abuse OP easy heroes.
the only people who complain about Ana are mercy mains.
Where have you seen this? Ana barely gets hate nowadays.
it was just an example, and she used to, and it was only mercy mains.
So the nerf bap community have no actual numbers to back up these claims just emotion and a stylosa vid?
Just over half a second, actually. He shoots 9 rounds per second for 20 damage each base and gets 6 shots at the beginning of every burst with no spread. They’re pixel-perfect.
5 headshots into a target unaware they’re being targeted or just at a bad angle for AD spam will kill them if they don’t have armor or don’t get a heal of some kind.
…and if you can get the first shot into their head, the followups aren’t always that difficult. Especially if they don’t know you’re there.
And if you miss a few, just landing 2 means a direct hit with your helix kills them.
Landing 3 will get them with just the splash. Same if you land all 6 pixel perfect shots, but without critting any of them.
Up close, soldier has a solidly sub-one-second TTK against 200 health squishies.
As you can see, Zen’s hitbox is larger.
And has a round shape, which makes it even easier to shoot him.
And no, you have to lead Zen’s projectiles. Zen’s damage is harder to utilize than Bap’s hitscan rifle. Zen’s healing is easier than Bap’s healing, sure. But Bap’s healing is more rewarding. And unfortunately, his damage is too.
His point was that it’s much more difficult to do both at the same time.
I’ve personally thought Moira has been over-tuned for about as long as I can recall. Both in her burst heal potential and her self sustain.
I just personally don’t see it right for the games health for any role to be able to do its job well, and another roles job equal or better than a hero from the other role.
i.e. Bap does his support job well, but he also can do most of soldiers job to an equal degree. He already, prior to the latest bap buff, was a better mccree, other than mccree brings FB.
I guess all I’m trying to get at is it seems to me that tanks bring more value to the team than dps while doing ballpark similar damage. Supports are in the same boat, they do ballpark damage on top of heal out of their minds. If all damage were to be reigned in, supports wouldn’t need to heal nearly what they do today, and each role would be more… defined in what they do. Tanks should be made more… tanky… dps actually bring the dps for the team. Supports should be… more of a support. The more that power creep has happened in the game, the more that the definition of what a tank, dps and support are, those lines have become more and more fuzzy. I think it is bad for the health of the game, as well as the identity of each hero in their role.
It’s not.
This happened before, with Ana. They nerfed her damage because god tier Anas wrecked scrub flankers. Which honestly makes no sense if the more skilled player should win, in the pros eyes.
Baptiste is way taller than Zen though. Zen is only larger.
I’m not saying that Baptiste’s hitscan is harder than Zen’s projectiles. Read what I wrote again.
I said doing two jobs at once with Baptiste - healing teammates with grenades AND dealing damage at the same time with hitscan - is very tiring and mechanically demanding. In a fast paced game like OW, doing this requires a lot of concentration and focus. It is harder than just focusing on dealing dmg as Zen.
Now, doing only one job as Bap is easier than playing Zen. If you want to play healbot Baptiste or DPS Baptiste for example (something most players do), Zen is considerably harder. But playing Baptiste’s kit to its full potential on a consistent level is harder than Zen IMO.
Lol it is
Zen’s damage boost is far more powerful and useful than Bap’s, and Trans can’t be killed like IF can. It takes one of a very, very small list of things to counter trans. Meanwhile IF can be killed by anyone with a gun.
Ahh man, it’s so difficult to stop dealing damage to heal my team mates when they’re damaged.
I predicted people would start moaning about Baptiste, but I’m surprised his “but he has to aim!”-armor isn’t stronger.
To clarify, when I say 2016, I meant at launch. I wasn’t specifically including Ana’s release at the time. Ana definitely had a healing creep element to her.
You probably don’t understand how Baptiste’s gun works. He has the potential to heal and deal damage simultaneously, as in, do both in the exact same second. I’m not talking about healing then stop healing to deal some dmg. I’m talking about maximizing the potential of the gun and doing both on a consistent basis.
Try playing him yourself and do this. Tell me it is easy to do. You can’t. This is easily one of the highest skill cap things Supports can do.
It is…
Disagree. I’ve seen Ana’s hate on genji’s and both are “skill” oriented hero’s.