Baptiste Needs buffs

In particular, to his immortality field’s consistency and utility. (Though i know he of course could use buffs elsewhere as well.)

The field is far too inconsistent for it’s long cooldown. It needs some improvements.

  • Should be more visible to allies, i.e. giving a directional hud marker similar to D.Va Nuke or Pulse Bomb, but for allies. Should also give warning when low health or destroyed to nearby allies.
  • Should be more readily apparent to an ally when they are under it’s effects, similar to nano, so as to make it more obvious to the ally so they are less likely to not realize it’s existence and just leave the field without realizing.
  • Hitbox of Disc projectile should be made smaller so it’s easier to throw past environmental obstructions towards your true target instead of bouncing off random shapes that it should have gone past.
  • Faster deployment/effect gain upon landing.
  • Delay on cooldown should be removed; Cooldown should begin immediately once thrown, not give a 1 second delay during the animation.
  • Durational/Field health display on Baptiste’s hud.

Not a balance issue but still:

  • Disc should be gold with golden gun. It’s not a construct that you want want less visible, considering it’s uptime is always obvious to enemies, and hell, you see it more than Scouter and THAT’s gold for some reason, so why not?

Final idea, more a concept worth experimenting and debating than actual requested change:

  • Field emits a healing pulse upon durational end worth 30% of damage prevented. Field’s destruction before duration end will deny the pulse.

Actually very nicely thought of buffs.


Yeah those are pretty nice


I don’t really think it (the Frisbee) is too far off from being good, just that it’s SO inconsistent when trying to use it to help your team.

I notice so often that an ally just LEAVES the field while they’re being attacked and end up dying due to it because they just don’t realize it’s THERE. Solving that issue is the main focus of my suggestions, as well as improving the information available about it’s status (uptime and health remaining visible to Bap and allies).

I have some suggestions for the rest of his kit too, but those are another matter.


My god I LOVE all these above ideas for immortality field/the lamp itself!!!

Can someone give this man a beer. Hello!? Blizzard can you hire him to help with baptiste changes?!

I liked everything except the 50% health. I thought that was far too high and was thinking more 30%. The pulse idea itself though is very creative! I love love love it!

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Just a concept idea i thought up, as I said, not really a suggestion, so of course it would be subject to change.

Actually, i’m only 20, so technically still a year underage. Raincheck?

Fine give this man the best sherry temple you can offer!

Edited op to be 30%, you’re probably right about 50% being too high.

Yes I think 30 is more realistic. :blush: