Supports that need buffs

but for an entire 6 months it’s been negative across all ranks :slight_smile:


Bring out the W A T E R W O R K S.


I think brig needs hp back.

Baptiste needs some serious love- I saw a few good topics going around for him on the forums. Blizzard has ideas now they need to put the experimental to good use.

Moira needs a utility to compete. If she can’t be mindless heal bot then she needs something else. I don’t think she is bad as people are making her out to be though.


Well you’re also accounting for ladder, which is a completely different game and half the heroes have negative win rates. But in the GM meta she is rising and I think she will overtake Ana in a few weeks

I agree with brig and bap , idk what to do with Moira she doesn’t need anything huge just something minor to bump her winrate to a reasonable level with her pickrate

I’m bumping this post for baptiste Baptiste Needs buffs

This post was a 10/10 for baptiste- see what you guys think


I don’t think so , were in a double bubble meta which is pretty much dive. ana is survivable enough to thrive in dive and she pairs well with it’s cast

As for Moira- I’m pissed blizzard just stopped with trying to give utility but mostly just gave nerfs. Like wtf blizzard.

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I mean yes and no. She can survive yes, but its’s so much easier with Moira because you don’t have to peel you can just push straight in. Especially against a Tracer.

And Coal is a really underrated ult IMO because of how well it synergizes with a speed boost brawl or a dive

I like it but I don’t see those changes to be enough to bump 5% he needs a flat buff to his heal , or firerate , or immort

not both or all three

Moira is fine.

Bap needs small buffs but nothing insane considering he isn’t supposed to be good when bunker isn’t good.

Brig is hot garbage currently.

ana will always have a better time in dive than Moira because of long range and her utility

Oh no doubt but those are all good quality of life buffs for starters he needs those.

I think projectile speed is maybe something to think of. Personally switching his ability (IF) and ult (amp matrix) is a thought I always come back to.

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I think bap needs a single considerable buff , Moira needs a small buff or tweaks and brig needs hp back

For Brig: Shield movement penalty decreased from 30% to 15%-20% + 250HP again. see if these help in any way
For Baptiste: maybe increase primary heal AoE from 50 to 55-60? make his exo-boost grant more horizontal mobility and consider the IF qol changes

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I feel like that ability swap is interesting but it sounds weird to me. immort would be the worst defensive ult if it’s destructible unless their running an ana and trance is suddenly useless. and matrix would need nerfs which would just make it clunkier than it is

Of course there would be tweaking.
IF would have to be indestructible to be an ult.
I just think it may be a thing I’d want to see tweaked and put on experimental.

At this rate I see nothing to lose because people complained to a point where IF is one of the hardest longest cd abilities in the game. It really sucks when you can land a good one but still feel punished.

Where in the end I can throw it but congrats it’s a morality field because everyone is at 20% health and stupid people failed to see that’s where regenerative burst was needed or other burst healing.

They should serious consider raising the bar to 25% or 30%. Especially if they don’t want that type of healing in the game.

What about removing Inspire and putting all Brig’s healing potential on the packs? Then we can get some “able to get into melee range” buffs?

Make the packs heal for 40 hps for 6 seconds maybe?

I’ve always thought immort was useless because of how long the threshold is. it’s only ever useful in conjunction with ult or another supports healing OR if you use it for something minor

i dont get why they touched that, the damage beam angle was enough really. nerfing her damage slowly while nerfing heals also would break her right?

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