Well main argument for doing absolutely nothing with Mercy right now, is that healer stacking is already a problem, and they wouldn’t want to risk making it worse.
How can Mercy be off healer when she has very little utility outside healing?
While they’re not horrible reasons, the amount of backlash for further messing with mercy doesn’t really balance out the concerns brought up. Mercy is fine. Staahp.
Exactly. I think that makes her a great “intro” main healer. Where mercy has the utility consistency of off healers,and the no aim requirements
I don’t see where lowering that healing would make it worse?
Give her better utility?
Forum backlash is whatever imo.
See also: mass Rez return requests.
Does the game become stronger? Coherent? Consistent in design? I think that matters first.
Is something I never mentioned, or made an argument about
Something I never mentioned
Something I never mentioned
The one thing I did mention and even in the one thing I mentioned I gave no input on whether or not I supported your idea, just correcting you and showing that her advancements also cause destruction even in her lore and is a large part of her lore
And if you want to talk about who’s lore fits better for the pure healer archetype it is without a doubt Mercy
Lore that supports Mercy being a healer
“Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radically improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries.”
“Overwatch’s head of medical research, Angela sought to leverage her work for healing in frontline crises. The result was the Valkyrie swift-response suit”
“she spends most of her time caring for the broken and dispossessed in crisis areas around the world, Dr. Ziegler can be counted on to don her Valkyrie suit whenever innocents are imperiled.”
3 sections of her story section on the playoverwatch website support her being the pure healer
“It seemed like a promising step toward overcoming diseases and disorders and maximizing human potential.”
Meanwhile Moira has only 1
If anything Moira’s lore supports that she should be a hard utility support giving buffs to allies and damaging enemies either through damage or debuffs
She’s all about advancement of humans and evolution
These are not healing these are changing something to better adapt to the world around them making them stronger, Moira should be the utility support not the pure healer if we’re talking about a lore standpoint
I only just now disputed your view and only in mention to the lore
Not healing stacking. Healer stacking.
Limit Healers to no more than 2 per team, and you got a lot more potential to ask for Healer buffs.
It’s not just forum backlash. Fundamentally change a character like mercy and watch a significant part of the playerbase dwindle.
Stronger? … not really. Mercy just becomes different. Depends on what you call stronger.
Coherent? … who doesn’t understand how mercy works?
As far as consistency is concerned I don’t see how changing mercy yet again contributes to consistency.
In my opinion the characters first and foremost need to be balanced, playable at all levels and identifyable. Consistency between mechanics and “similar” skills is a limitation to balance.
I don’t think moiras kit or lore suits more than healing. When you want to excel, you want the best. She’s the best at healing. Being supportive , doctors can heal with medicine or tools (meds Vs braces and implants)
That reads mercy. What works best can be healing, or utility. Moira bulldozes through.
Seems very strong healer imo
Not utility
I’m not asking to buff her.
I don’t think so. Coherent design stands alone.
The game. Mercy is out of line for her role ( op), but also in the new direction of the game with Rez and dmg boost.
While game. Not just hero. Otherwise, symm 1.0 and Lucio 1.0 were fine on their own.
Consistency for the whole game is what I’m asking for
See also- my request for rein to have a ult like soldier, and currently mercy. The archetypes would emphasize their base kit flat.
Whole game. Not just hero. I think rein is fine. Just slightly out of line.
You’re asking to give Mercy more utility, and turn her into an offhealer.
When the problem with pro tier is literally stacking together too much utility from offhealers.
I dont think her current kit does either, her lore on the other hand does
Her lore isnt about herself excelling its about making everyone excel making everyone the best they can be, which is why utility that buffs allies would fit her from a lore standpoint making allies the best versions of themselves
She can be the best at buffing allies instead and that would still be being supportive
Which is why we can change Moira to be a very strong utility hero, taking some of Mercy’s and give it to her while eximplifying Mercy’s lore as a peerless healer and doctor by buffing her healing in compensation
That sounds like a structure problem. Especially as I’m not in this thread suggesting changing her kit. Rez and dmg boost would be equally niche in off healer status
Instant Rez still on a 30 sec Cooldown is still 30 seconds
That sounds more like switching their kits. And outside the scope of this thread.
The structure problem of allow people to put more than 2 Healers per team, at Pro tier.
I was thinking more just giving Moira damage boost and maybe some other buffing utilies while nerfing her healing and in compensation for taking Mercy’s damage boost giving her more healing.
And your first reply was outside the scope of mine, but the conversation has evolved into a different discussion about what kind of kit would best fit Moira’s lore where my stance is one that a utility character buffing allies would be the best fit over a pure healer
Mercy’s movement and play style fluidity would be completely broken if she had to aim, the reason she doesn’t have to aim is because when you’re flying around with GA it would be nauseating to try and keep focus on someone to heal them.
Becuse of Mercy lore she is pacfist field medic that only use her weapon when need. Force Mercy to aim completely breaks her lore.
You and I already disagree on what established goats. This change doesn’t effect your suggestion of a two healer limit, which also falls outside the scope of this thread.
Understandable. And noted
I didn’t suggest this.
Nor does it apply to her lore logic
I did not suggest making her aim
Gotcha, so somehow you think QuadTank is more powerful than GOATs, and we’re supposed to take that argument seriously?
Mercy is a main healer but for DPS comps not tank comps because her thing is getting consistent heals anywhere quickly
You and I have different views on what defines a meta. This view is irrelevant to the subject of this thread.
I think that doesn’t define a ‘main healer’ and that she solo heals fine.
Thus my suggestion to change that.
Her main healer status as defined by her currently healing alone is not the focus of my thrrad