Baptiste is boring

mmh… Baptiste is not boring… dont threat him like Shield Cow. I think they just over-nerfed him, because he was like 3 months better than Ana AND THIS is not allowed at all. Ana S-Tier or riot.

They just should adjust some of the nerfs (shorter CD on Immortality Field, but less health on it, revert the splash-healing to what it was, revert the primary fire recoil to what it was before the last nerfs).
He was extremly fun to use, but now his disc feel pretty underwhelming, because it has this year lasting cooldown, what is just a mess, consider the damage powercreep. Lowering the health of the disc would reward Baptiste players that think before they throw it around, like in cover or around corners but still in LOS of the teammates etc. Maybe also increase the animation speed of it, so it can actually be used in high-clutch situations.
Also his healing feels underwhelming atm. Also he allways stay in contest with Ana, and her Anti-nade is just crazy strong and she can more reliable heal in clutch situations, so bring his splash-healing back would help a lot.

lol that’s true, I love hearing mercy’s heels clicking in the background somewhere. Jumping like that would hurt like heck. But they had to make doctor lady super stereotypical


His nade fire rate and speed hasn’t been touched.

They did ^^ Maybe you should read some patchnots. They made the firerate worse and also the healing. That messed up a lot for me personally.

I did.

He received a lot of nerfs when they were dumpstering double barrier but his nades were untouched beyond how much they heal.


Moira is boring, everytime I play her i yawn every 10 seconds. And the sad thing is I have to play her if the enemy team has a good genjy, and I don’t want to.

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I really enjoy Baptiste until his ult is full and I’m reminded why I never play him. Worst ult in the game, imo.

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It’s a throw away ult, just use it to heal or maybe kill one target. 9/10 it’s a bad idea to use your ultimate for your teammates. It’s a fun way to do mass heals or go full-on dps

The thing with Baptiste is he feels like a heal bot compared to other supports. You can call Ana and mercy heal bots but they have viable damage options with nade and boost respectively. Each support has that sauce in their kit that makes them Do damage one way or another that makes you feel like your really helping the team.

You wrote all this and for what? For what?

Just practicing my speech for the manager

Unfortunately you failed the practice oration on the count of being wrong and slandering Baptiste :pensive: sorry kween

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I mean I play doom genji and echo who are one of the most fun characters. And I love bap as much as them. I think he’s so fun idk why

I’ve always wanted Bap’s RMB to have a two or three second cooldown and apply a HoT to make up for the difference - but a residual healing cloud’s a cool idea.

I also want fistpump to have a bigger radius. It’s always felt odd to have a position-based HoT on a character with ranged healing and no horizontal mobility.

While I’m at it, I’d like the 0.35 fire rate back, but nerf the damage per bullet so he still does ~115 DPS. The 0.35 fire rate felt so good, man, but they just threw it away. ~sigh~

I’d rather not, tbh. People already compare him to Soldier and I’d rather not have this similar ability actually just be something Soldier already has.

He became a lot more interesting when I listened to his voice actor talk at convention panels.

Apparently he hates having to do the French accent for Bap because he grew up around it all his life, and he is the complete opposite of Bap’s positive attitude, he said it was basically painful to have to say all the optimistic lines during recording,

so the actor’s pessimistic nature seeped through in parts/some line deliveries and they liked it so they kept it in the game

Now I look at Bap like someone putting on a positive “front” that’s fake to be the team’s healer,

and he’s really actually negative underneath the surface one liners, I like him a lot better now

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LOL every support is booring in case you didnt know.xD

That’s interesting but unfortunately at face value he doesn’t offer much. Hopefully in OW2 he gets something to flesh out his character rather than single comics or voice lines in game.


So what is the worst ultimate then?