Baptiste is boring

He’s the Orissa of supports, he seems like he was made to fill a missing void in the game. Look at Hammond or Ashe, they are characters that were made for fun without any meta defining attributes.

Let’s take a look at Bap’s kit,

Immortality field- What a pointless addition to the game. The ability made a splash and sank very quickly afterwards. It’s a budget transcendence that is as unreliable as Rez.

Regenerative burst- He clenches his fist and heal farts come out of him…wow so innovative. I seriously have nothing to say other than it’s a waste of an ability slot. So unremarkable that I had to actually search to find the exact name…

Exo boots- The only cool thing about Baptiste is his leapfrog passive, it’s something different than a free escape ability and allows for plenty of counterplay.

Grenade launcher/Weapon- A gun that shoots in burst with a launcher attached is a cool idea and I wish they would’ve changed it a bit before adding it in the game. I think the primary is fine, the recoil makes sense and it separates it from Soldier’s weapon which has no recoil but benefits from burst. The issue is with his healing and how it’s done. Right now you have to decide whether or not to heal or shoot…this would be fine on a character like Moira where damaging is rewarded through resource gain but Bap just does damage…that’s it. Blizzard should’ve made the heal grenades have a HoT effect with the smoke being mini heal stations. This would give him the opportunity to deal damage without restricting him to a heal bot (9/10 he is just like Moira)

Amplification Matrix- Quite possibly the worst ultimate in the game with the easiest counter being to walk behind a wall. It’s unremarkable just like burst and it’s just a better version of supercharger.

The character- Bap is cringey in game, now this may just be me but him saying “y’all look like you could use some heals” sounds like a heal bot. That’s quite literally what he is…he’s a blank paper with no charm or charisma when you play along side him. Even Zen has more of a personality and he’s a monk robot :expressionless:

Basically Baptiste is Mercy that does AoE heals.
Amp=Damage boost
Boots=Guardian Angel


If Baptiste is boring, so what is Mercy?
I am not a support players, seriously, like 0.
But in my ears it’s sounds like opening boxes of pandora.


What a mass of bad takes.


Mercy is original. Baptiste is a bunch of concepts mushed into one character, at least make him like Sigma and give him a cool story.

The coolest thing about Bap’s story is Mauga.

Ha, yeah kind of. Orisa is my least favorite tank to play but I still enjoy her overall. I don’t play Bap very often. He’s hugely effective but I don’t much like passively plinking, which ends up being his role more often than not.

Well, Mercy is pretty much Medic from TF2, but she’s still my favorite support. I find her to be very active and heavily decision-based, which is my favorite type of play.

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Gameplay ≠ Lore

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Hmm - I don’t find Baptiste boring. He has a lot to do at any given time.

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Uh, no. You can actually hold down both and the rhythm is quick enough that you can shoot and heal almost simultaneously. He can be very aggressive.

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Baptiste is one of the most fun healers for me to play besides Lucio and Ana. I can pump out a lot of healing, provide an ability that is a counter to a lot of ultimates, use your ultimate as a way to delete people and just do damage in general with decent aim.


Bap isn’t boring, his kit is now “clunky” to use the scientific term.

He used to be much more fluid and fun, but he was insanely strong in the high teamwork environments of owl, soooooo…


Yup, my point just not put in words, that direct.

He is. The most bland character and uninspired kit. Even the visual design of the characters and abilities is so basic. The gameplay in the end is OK but blegh

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I like him. Somewhat bland in visual design, but he plays good, and some voicelines are cool. My solid second choice after Mercy.

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I won’t argue with you about gameplay part, but personality wise…

Baptiste story clearly shows his personality traits, he’s morally grey and he’s conflicted. Also, he has some lines that show his personality in game, like, he can be sarcastic at times, impatient, but mostly he makes remarks as professional merc (which he was in the past) and don’t forget how blizz treated him ugly with dialogue options (same goes with echo/ashe/sigma), it’s been 2 years and they didn’t give him ANY dialogue at all. Just look as his quotes, they maybe not iconic as Junkrat attitude, but they’re on the same level as Mercy dialogue, y’all just forgive it to her because she looks like an angel (though it doesn’t represent her ugly atittude at all).

I think that Baptiste is treated like that because every Overwatch character is very memorable because of their unique look (cyberninja, girl in mecha, guy with giant fist), Baptiste is more down to earth guy, he just wears his combat suit and that’s it. And to be honest, to conpensate his lack of personality in his skins, blizz added a whole short story about Batiste thoughts, I recommend to re-read it if you’re still thinking he’s fortnite guy with no personality.



I find Orisa a lot more enjoyable as Winston or Rein… so what now?

Bap has a amazing kit but it got so much wantered down during the time that he just feels… meh. He felt a LOT better when he was released and the flow of his kit. Nowdays he is just “another” healer.


I like Baptiste way more than mercy :unamused:


Uh, no. His fire rate was as bad as it is now, his spread was worse, IF would just go wherever if you weren’t used to throwing it, and he had a shorter fall-off range.


But better lamp, better ult, faster and stonger nades. You know… the SUPPORT part of the kit.

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They’re both bland personality wise but Rez is what makes mercy, mercy.

There won’t ever be a more iconic line than “heroes never die”

Baptiste is a better character imo.

Mercy is an icon. But Baptiste is a person.

His voice lines in game are like a actual person in a supportive role. Not “this is a doctor lady…doctor lady says doctor words”

At least to me .