Baptiste does not need a nerf

with mei out of the equation some combination of monkey hamster dva roll bap and hanzo right now. hanzo might counter monkey if you hit all head shots, but hamster eats him alive. and defense matrix is a thing. winston flat counters bap.

i think hanzo dash CD is too low and storm arrow has too many arrows. but he’s not that far off; while mei has been fundamentally breaking the game since 2-2-2 lock.

“what would you dive on” is kind of a pet peeve of mine… just a misunderstanding of what dive is. you can dive reaper+doom all day. dive is more about disengage than it is about engage.

Have you considered that due to the large amount of healing dps are forced to pick high burst damage characters, and the best way to play around burst damage is burst healing and big shields? I think burst’s of any kind are not really that healthy for the game. Burst healing, burst damage and burst shielding are all detrimental. The recent change to shielding was a step in the right direction, but that same philosophy should be applied to the healers and dps as well. The only time burst’s should be available is during ult’s. Of course this is all just an opinion, much like blizzards own design choices.

And although there is a lot of thought and logic in your comment, you won’t be able to dive Double shield meta, You lose in every aspect of it. Maybe ball would actually make a difference with his insane CC, but Double-shield has more shields hp, uptime and mobility, more peel, more shield break and more damage.
Dive isn’t a thing even when Mei wasn’t picked for the enemy.

I DO agree that Mei is probably the bigger problem while diving double-shield, but overall the double shield heroes are much stronger and better in almost everything (not mobility tho ;)) than dive heroes.

Try to imagine yourself diving, I legit see ball the only thing giving dive a chance.
Monkey jumps in, and his shield instantly breaks, while the poor Genji and Tracer try doing something and just fails.
I don’t know, Double shield is just way too creeped to get rolled by actual balanced characters that also required high still to play.

I mean I still play dive heroes. orisa doesnt roll dive tanks at all. for one, winston zap goes through shields. for two, DVA eats yoink and all of their damage. for three, you can just jump behind them and isolate them from healing. four, you can disengage when she fortifies. etc. dive can outplay double shield all day if there is no mei.

the best peel tank in the game is dva. the second best peel tank in the game is winston.

picking your engagements just outplays all of the other tanks. but you cant pick engagements because you cant engage at all because of mei.

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He got busted healing, decent damage and ult on cooldown. You need to make healers on same level and the best skill is rewarded. For example, to make Mercy better they shouldn’t have to buff her, they should nerf healing in other healers so that people would pick utility over healing most times. Of course that would require most DPS heroes to have their damage nerfed. It’s like you’re always there to defend something broken its almost a joke. Back then we could run Mercy/Zen or Lúcio/Zen comps. Today you literally can’t be without a main healer or a barrier or you lose because the whole balance is a mess right now even tho according to most people its the most balanced state OW has ever been.

I see the main problem is that Winston ignores shield, he’ll tickle damage and his “Heal block dome” (shield) will be terminated in an instant, just like it was before it got buffed, but just for 0.3 second more…
Dva is also THE WORST peel tank in game. She WAS the strongest (arguably) but nerfed to the floor. On the other hand, Sigma is a 10-times-better Dva, he has DM that grants him ‘blue armor’ on cd, high burst damage (decent+ dps overall), hard stun and dynamic shield… He’s the number 1 reason Dva isn’t even an imaginary pick at this point… He only lacks mobility (BY FAR).

Sorry, I just can’t see how Dive wins. I can’t see how the damage will be enough, I can’t see how the peel is enough, I only can think of a situation where ball REALLY messed enemy’s backline and you quickly dive A SINGLE TARGET

sigma cant fly. his DM is less mobile. if a dive team is flying around him, he cant save an ana from a tracer like a DVA can.

that interaction doesnt matter tho, because Blizzard decided mobility was too hard for some people.

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I don’t think he deserves too but ah well. Like always the influencers brainwash people until they become the vocal minority and blizz caves in.


Revert the fire rate and decrease the Immortality Field’s Duration from 8 to 5 seconds. These are the only nerfs that he needs.

dud, he has a frisbee that grands godmod

which doesnt matter if your main tank can jump in a perfect spot and cleave the whole team and field at the same time.

Regardless how this topic goes, the devs obviously disagree so moot point.

the devs might not disagree.

the thing with the Overwatch devs tho is they have to try to balance a competitive game while always keeping bot easy heroes in the meta.

You can easily destroy said frisbee. Besides, nope still isn’t god mode as it doesn’t keep your health at 100%

It’s godmod as long as you can’t die, and it doesn’t matter that it’s destroyable.

Yeah you don’t know what godmode means, it comes from older games like doom and it means you’re completely invincible from damage, which immo field does not do.

It’s really not a god mode if it last 8 seconds and can be easily destroyed. Frankly, it sounds like dps such as yourself just rather focus on killing the enemy and ignore it what’s their surrounding

Prove it
Or at least provide a source

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Reloads. You forgot reloads. Also you completely messed up with Baptiste. It’s 1 burst of 3 bullets every 0.56 seconds, not 1 bullet per 0.56 seconds. With reloads Soldier can do sustained max 115.5 dps. With reloads Baptiste can do sustained max 113.6 dps. But that’s just theoretical dps. Soldiers spread makes him lose many of his shots whereas Baptiste can hit all or most of his shots with easy recoil control so in reality Baptiste can keep a higher dps than Soldier easily. The only reason Baptiste does lower damage than Soldier is because he heals. How much damage + healing does Baptiste average per game? How much Soldier? If we didn’t have 2-2-2 and you could pick Baptiste on a “dps slot” he would average higher than Soldier and would be better pick than Soldier even for killing every single time.

Baptiste is overpowered. I’m sorry if you don’t think so but constant 75 AOE HPS without even using a cooldown is busted. With his cooldown he gets 105 AOE HPS. That is insane even for single target healing, let alone AOE healing. Add to that a fast charging ult that makes his HPS with regen burst 180 AOE HPS, and IF for when even that isn’t enough, and it’s not hard to see why he is busted.

Good thing they nerfed shields too. Also, in the meta with the MOST shielding, what was the meta for healers? It was Moira (who at the time had the highest healing output) and either Lucio (extremely high healing output for an off support) or another main healer like Mercy or Brig.