You’re not supposed to keep a team alive against heavy damage. The entire point of this game depends on players being able to kill other players, including killing through healing.
The whole point of those changes is to make things actually die, yes.
It’s telling that you mention main healers, because lamp is the problem and that is more comparable to trance and beat, both of which were hit hard by the global ult nerf.
Personally I think Blizzard can adjust the CD of the Immortality Field from 20 to 30 secs.
The rest of his kit is okay to me, just the Immortality needs some tweaking.
I think the issue is less so that other supports cant keep things alive but that Baptiste is doing a much better job doing so due to his ability to prevent oneshots wich are present in basically every game now
Emongg mentioned that his IF synergizes extremly well with double barrier as it can bridge the downtime of the 2 barriers by itself when placed behind a corner. I dont know how much of this is true but it would make sense
yes he ddoes. stupid hero design
Actually if I remember correctly, nobody asked for Ana nerfs and Mercy mains got very annoyed by it.
He needs toning down and no, not Blizzard nerf that makes him unplayable after, a simple nerf to part of his kit; he’ll be fine. I personally believe reverting the buff would be better.
this isn’t true and even if it were, soldier is categorised as one of the WORST characters in the game.
Baptiste’s weapon does actually do more dps than Soldier’s. And it is easier to get value out of.
But yeah, Soldier sucks.
You just show how ignorant “The Defenders” are.
Always when a character is broken the are defenders here that speak loads of crap.
Baptiste is not THE BEST HEALER PER MATCH according to stats.
Overall, Baptiste is the strongest and you may ask every person that understands the game. Feel free to go into matches in masters+ and realizing him.
What are you trying to prove by saying that below masters he is not used that much? That’s why those players didn’t reach masters my dude.
Overall Baptiste has A VERY STRONG HEALING, with INSANE Kit. as I said he literally has godmod as an ability, thankfully (I hope that wasn’t a jebait) Jeff said they are going to be looking into his immo soon).
You expect him to be shown as the best DPS in the stats? He is not a dps in role, and won’t do nearly as much damage as others in match. BUT(!) Bap kills a lot, does a very large amount of damage, engages in 1v1 freely and probably wins most of them.
A healer that not only doesn’t afraid of 1v1 dps, but also wins them most of times.
Baptiste IS the strongest character in game right now. I didn’t heard a single other hero reffered to as the strongest for a whole lot of time and we have Mei, Hanzo and Double shield meta right now.
He WILL be nerfed. TRUST ME.
That was a ‘rhetorical skill’, you might consider it as a joke if you like
Meaning if they nerf immortality, everyone is just going to die because there’s nothing they can do against the damagespam anymore when barriers are broken or on cd.
They either have to give up tons upon tons of more space than they have to now and playing defensive becomes excruciatingly painful since they can’t hold a single good position versus pure damagespam anymore, so they will lose objectives and lose the game… or they can just forfeit and die to enemy spam if they counterpush because we got balanced characters like Hanzo oneshotting everyone not hidden behind a barrier or a wall.
Fun times ahead.
Soldier is indeed the worst one along genji.
But his RAW dmg output isn’t necessary lower than other dps while standing still (in tests).
Nevertheless, that was checked and unless all of the tests tried to fool other people, Bap is ATLEAST equal to Soldier or higher.
The first test you can do yourself. Get into a custom with a friend and ask him to play rein, pick Soldier and count the amount of time needed for you to break his shield. Now switch to Bap and do the same thing. You should have the exact or very very close result.
In a test shown on idontrememberwho stream, there was a map counting damage over course of exact same time, and Bap’s result was 50damage more than Soldier’s result. 2350 vs 2300.
All that I know is that he has way too strong KIT and dps.
Really tired of supports getting nerfed. There’s a reason the queues are so short.
If anything, buff the other healers to = Baptiste / Moira. Zenyatta and Brigitte are essentially throw picks, even in QP.
i agree bap doesnt need a nerf. mei needs a nerf so we can dive again.
moira might actually be balanced now. zen is meta.
mercy ana brig lucio do not need buffs.
He absolutely need nerfs. Period.
His ult charges way too fast and his dps even competes with S76’s. Even at breaking shields.
What would you dive on? hanzo will roll you, bap will block kills with immo.
If mei was the only problem, we would’ve seenl99l dive in some scenarios…
Too bad, it has been confirmed they are looking into his immortality field and who knows what else they will nerf.
probably tone down his dps a bit.