I personally believe that Baptiste does not need a nerf. Let me explain myself.
A while back mercy had an 11ish% pickrate, obviously people cried for nerfs and she got nerfed. Then Ana was the one who got that 11% pickrate, and once again people asked for nerfs… Next Moira took that coveted 10%+ pickrate spot… and she was nerfed (shocker!). And now Baptiste has taken that spot.
Now what I want people to realize, Bap isn’t OP, the issue is that every other main healer has been nerfed harshly, and currently people are playing what can actually keep a team alive (every notice double barrier? more sheilding=more survivability).
The issue isn’t that Baptiste is Overpowered, the issue is that no other support can actually keep a team alive, and if we keep going down this slippery slope soon enough every support will have been nerfed just about as many times as symmetra has been reworked.
If you make healing too weak you are going to force teams to make up for the lack of sustain with more sheilding,
There is a sweet spot where healing is at a point where it doesnt stop all damage, while also being able to sustain a team, you can’t keep moving away from that sweet spot.
Every few patches a support gets like a mega nerf… Mercy losing 17% of her healing… Moira losing almost 20%, like when you nerf those supports so hard they’re not going to be viable anymore