Baptiste does not need a nerf

I personally believe that Baptiste does not need a nerf. Let me explain myself.

A while back mercy had an 11ish% pickrate, obviously people cried for nerfs and she got nerfed. Then Ana was the one who got that 11% pickrate, and once again people asked for nerfs… Next Moira took that coveted 10%+ pickrate spot… and she was nerfed (shocker!). And now Baptiste has taken that spot.

Now what I want people to realize, Bap isn’t OP, the issue is that every other main healer has been nerfed harshly, and currently people are playing what can actually keep a team alive (every notice double barrier? more sheilding=more survivability).

The issue isn’t that Baptiste is Overpowered, the issue is that no other support can actually keep a team alive, and if we keep going down this slippery slope soon enough every support will have been nerfed just about as many times as symmetra has been reworked.

If you make healing too weak you are going to force teams to make up for the lack of sustain with more sheilding,

There is a sweet spot where healing is at a point where it doesnt stop all damage, while also being able to sustain a team, you can’t keep moving away from that sweet spot.

Every few patches a support gets like a mega nerf… Mercy losing 17% of her healing… Moira losing almost 20%, like when you nerf those supports so hard they’re not going to be viable anymore


While I’m sort of indifferent to Baptiste rn, Jeff has gone on Reddit to say they are testing some changes on the Field rn…

To be fair, his damage is insane for a support. Nerfing his recovery time from .36 to .42 and his ammo from 45 to 42 would help, and then slightly buff/change some of the other supports.


I agree with you however we are in the minority. We’ll be ignored while he gets nerfed. Sad, really.

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lmao we’re back to this meme “other main healers are trash” lies aren’t we

this line of thinking has almost never been correct, and with how ana actually barely got nerfed you can’t even act like she got nerfed hard in any way when what actually kicked her out of the meta is that bap/zen is an incredibly strong combination that is preferable to ana

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Healer with very high Heals per second, easy to heal, can jump probably everywhere and contest highground or evade ults, has an ability that grants godmod, with dps better then a literal dps named SOLDIER and ult that opens a window that doubles dps and heals passing through.

He is not only a broken healer, he is also broken tank and dps.
He is better than Rein, with tracer’s kit and mercy’s rez.


and yet we still have long drawn out fights in the neutral stages where next to nothing dies. Any comp, any combo of healers, you see fights without ults that just drag on and on and on and on.

then someone gets the Overwatch version of a mini nuke and blows up a chunk of the other team.
Yet for a huge SR range they almost can’t kill anything without an ULT. That’s not because DPS/tanks/supports are weak with DMG, it’s that healing is a still MASSIVE.

and Baptiste clearly has issues right now with being able to go from IM Field to IM Field every 12 seconds if the drone has really good placement. It’s just not good game play to have such a tiny window of opportunity do anything.

It needs to be at least 15-18+ seconds of knowing there isn’t going to be an IM Field in play.
As for his DMG, I still feel he mostly earns it.
You’re not going to find low SR players vaulting up 1000+ SR in while playing 70% less games as we say with say Brig and some other busted patch heroes.


Such high healing that Mercy outheals him in Bronze, Silver, and Gold; and is only within 1k of healing in Plat, and Diamond

Such high healing that Moira outheals him in every single rank except Grand Masters

DPS so good, that he is literally bottom 5 in every rank except Grand Masters


But lets also ignore that in ranks below Masters, Ana, Moira, and Mercy are used as much or more than Baptiste is



You meant to say “with more skillful play”. And that’s a Good Thing™, hashtag be better.

I dont think being out healed by Moira at high ranks is any sort of blemish on his abilities. He brings a lot more to the table than Moira, and her AOE healing is still pretty crazy.

Which is also the only reason he tends to be low on damage. He can do a lot of damage but generally he needs to stay focused on healing. But even if hes not putting up numbers on the dps front, he still does extremely well in 1 on 1s when he needs to.

You had me until you said this.

This is such a lie and such a reach.

Could have just left it where you did, but this really does discredit your stance. :frowning:


The person I responded to was complaining that Baptiste’s healing is too high, despite Moira outhealing him in every single rank except 1, and in that rank Baptiste has an almost 16% pickrate to Moira’s 1%

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We need to stop this lie ASAP. It is literally so easy to fact check before you start spewing lies like this.

Let’s look at easy stuff without math, overall damage. We’ll use overbuff for this. (Not 100% reliable, but reliable enough for this sort of thing)

Currently this week,

Soldier in GM does on average 16,255 damage per game, 11th highest. He also averages 25.71 kills per game, so rounding up, 27 kills with a 3:1 elimination to death ratio.

Baptiste in GM does on average 10,015 damage per game, the 8th LOWEST. So not only is he doing 6k LESS than Soldier per game, there are 12 heroes between them. Baptiste also only has 16.7 kills per game, (10 LESS than Soldier) and a 2:2 ratio (Meaning he’s dying MORE and killing LESS than Soldier on average)

There are 0 ranks where Soldier is doing LESS DAMAGE than Baptiste overall, and 0 ranks where soldier is getting less kills than Baptiste. Baptiste is actually consistently at the bottom 5 for damage in every rank except GM, and he’s only 7th worst damage overall there.

But you want to talk about DPS and potential overall damage, right?

Soldier’s weapon does about 10-20 damage per bullet, with 9 rounds per second. We’re going to see the most potential DPS he can do, not including missing and spread because this is just easier for my brain at 1am. so 20x9 = 180, 9 shots happened to be headshots, x2 = 360 potential DPS. This isn’t adding his helix rockets into the mix. His rockets do up to 120 damage on a direct hit, so Soldier can do a POTENTIAL 480 DPS. This includes cooldowns, but this obviously also means they’ve gotta have aimbot levels of damage. This is also not taking ultimates into account.

Baptiste has a 3 round burst, dealing 12.5 - 25 damage per bullet. He only fires 1 round per 0.56 seconds, but let’s just make this easy and say he fires 5 bullets on average (5.37, so round down) 5 x 25 = 125. Headshots means 250. That is 110 LESS than Soldier’s potential output WITHOUT including helix rocket.

Literally this stuff is so easy to fact check, stop spewing lies about how he does more DPS than Soldier because Soldier has both a higher POTENTIAL output on paper, but PROOF he does more damage per game.


this literally means either other healers need buffs or Bap need to be nerfed
But buffing healers cause the dps to crumble down, nerfing Bap seems easier

So how do you defend his not asked for, seemingly random, damage buff?

Alright, so if the issue is everyone else, how would you suggest buffing all 3 of the others so Bap isn’t as dominant right now?

Also, you talk about a sweet spot, but it’s entirely possible that everyone has been over performing in that regard, and now that everyone else has been nerfed down to the actual sweet spot, Bap is the only one left who has his heals set around the old bar that was too high.

just tell you one thing, not even compare hps with other healers.

He has more DPS than S76 at this moment.

But a Youtuber posted a video saying it so it must be true!


I don’t think Moira was nerfed harshly, and Ana’s harsh nerf was partially reverted a long time ago.


ana and moira werent nerfe harshly.
bap just synergizes with orisa 2.0 and the new tank meta better then any other