Why are you guys so focused on destroying goats? You keep releasing dps supports but get mad when they are used as such and make the community turn on support players because of it. Then you nerf them to the ground. His healing kind of sucks. Lucio, Moira and Brig will still out heal. He seems like a direct support of dps player’s non sense. Need a dps ult to work? Immortality. This is basically what you said about how mercy is only good for pocketing dps like Ashe.
I mean Jeff basically said he made a mistake with tanks and supports and the current meta is 4dps. Will this new hero fix competitive?
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Sombra doesn’t want to be in Talon, she wants to use Talon to find the real mastermind pulling all the strings.
Sombra wants to be the one ultimately pulling all the strings, but first she needs to find those making all the real decisions.
Tbh, Baptiste doesn’t really care about Sombra’s interest, and I think the feeling is mutual from the hacker. I highly doubt Baptiste has any information that can help Sombra. Remember, Sombra is looking for people in power and will try to use them via blackmail, bribery, etc. to control them.
Baptiste isn’t really in any position of control. He is an elite soldier.
His healing is really strong, but like Moira requires his team to be positioned properly. Moira and Lucio’s heals are much stronger, but there is no way Brig will outheal Baptiste, outside of goats anyways.
You changed a background image that showed various graphics on a large screen in a scene in Moira’s origin story video. Was that a teaser for Baptiste, or the Archives: Retribution event in general?
What was the “cycle of violence” that destroyed “his own community?” referred to in his story. Is this violence the Omnic wars directly? Does this relate to how he was orphaned?
How did Baptiste find out that Talon are actually the bad guys?
And When and how did he decide to leave them?
when we will get more lore (like a video animation) for baps? Having an animation for the new hero is the best part of getting one imo
will baptiste be getting his own map eventually?
Why did Baptiste hide in Heiti when Talon were looking for him?
what rank did baptiste have in talon? was he a common soldier or somebody more important?
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Have you guys considered nerfing the drone by increasing it’s hover height to be just a tad above the height of Rein/Orisa’s barrier?
Baptiste’s kit focuses on biotic technology; is it based on Mercy’s tech or Moira’s? Does Mercy know about him? Will their paths cross, if he’s a wanderer and Mercy’s out doing relief work? Similarly, has his path ever crossed with Moira’s? She’s the Minister of Genetics at Oasis; that’s a pretty prominent public position. Would his knowledge of her identity be part of the sensitive information Talon is so concerned about the world knowing?
Also, who was the man Baptiste was holding up in his origin trailer?
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You think he has better vertical mobility than Lucio and Mercy?
What sort of interactive voice lines will Baptiste have with the following characters?
Soldier: 76
Yes but its also a better Resurrect.
Its instant and affects everyone in the team including himself, which resurrect does not provide.
It can also be hacked and killed like Mercy except it has no head hitbox (like Mercy) and has more health than her.
Its also on a much shorter cooldown, 2/3 of Resurrect, and it doesnt require you to take cover.
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Than Lucio yes because Lucio is dependent on vertical walls.
Mercy also yes because hers is dependent on teammate positioning and is also harder to pull off.
With Baptiste, he has the superjump that Mercy has built-in and it does not require a teammate.
His requires charge time that makes him vulnerable, high ground to get to and it makes him a very vulnerable target in the air.
I’d say they all have trade offs if anything.
When Baptiste revenge kills Widowmaker he says “(sorry)You or me sister” (not sure about the “sorry” part but I think I heard it). He doesn’t have any interaction for revenge killing any of the other Talon members as far as I can tell. Could it mean that Talon will eventually send (or already has sent) Widowmaker after Baptiste? And why does he call her sister, do they have a special relationship?
"One source claims, “Thus, players should expect Baptiste to be fully playable by early April.”
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Will baptiste be a playable character in the next Archive event?
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