Baptiste - Developer Q&A

angry pre-match french


Hey Tom!
thanks for opening this thread and taking the time.
I was wondering about something-

throughout the recent posts iv’e seen surrounding the forums there’s an increasing talk about mercy-

i thought that baptiste’s immortality field, which is very feared right now by a lot of players, since it’s long stay, lot’s of health, the ability to be placed behind walls and not be destroyed etc, could actually be of a great use for mercy,
that will have a lot of mercy players pleased and so does might make baptiste more balanced-

since this ability literally means “heroes never die”
why won’t you give mercy a new ultimate, her creating an aoe for 4-5 seconds which enemies won’t be able to die in it.

only seems legit, since it could easily become a great support ultimate, with it’s own benefits other then sound barrier and transendence (which, with immortality field as a cooldown ability, could easily get more value with less effort then both of those ultimates)

and maybe have baptiste drown give shield for nearby allies for a limited amount of time.

pleas concider it, as it might be of value, and might fix a lot of stuff and balance things a little bit.

thank you

Day 2 of Q & A minus the A.
My hope is in great peril.


What are your thoughts on switching Baptiste’s ult and his immortality drone?

Baptiste was bad and now is a good guy. When are we receiving another real bad guy?

Did Baptiste always have a bad feeling about Talon, or did he believe he was doing nothing wrong before he changed his mind and defected?

Will there be buffs/changes to the paper-heroes for which Babtiste is a scissor. Especially heroes such as pharah, who are weak against hitscanners seem to get weaker with every new one of them (ashe now Babtiste)?

Was Baptiste designed with oats in mind? What role do you intend Baptiste end up taking in the meta?

Was Baptiste meanth to join GOATS or rather to counter it?

What was the thought process behind the abilities, especially his immortality field. Is there any plans on reducing the time or maybe starting the cooldown at the end of the field and I don’t know if you saw the fact that the immortality stays a bit after it’s destroyed/finished is that intended or is it a bug ?

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When will we receive Mama Hong?


Dose baptise have any interaction with overwatch members and what’s the point of his scarf thing ?

How is going baptist to act with or against goats?

Off support ults are too powerful and nothing dies through them. Main supports have powerful abilities like Biotic Grenade and now Invulnerability field. Is there a pattern to this or am I just reading way too much into it?


Great question! I kept wondering the same.

What is Baptiste’s view on the Vishkar oppression, and is he on Lucio’s side?

Does Baptise know about Reaper and Moira, and does he know about their connection with Talon?

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Could you guys release more videos like this for heroes & maps Pretty plz.

As he was formerly tied with Talon, what was his relationship with Moira, as another Talon healer?
(Sorry for asking two, but I can’t help it when it comes to the best girls) What was his relationship with Sombra, as she seems like one of the only more fun loving Talon members?

Where did he get his tech from? cause i didnt see any of that tech on other talon foot soldiers and he was specified to be one of them

Why did you choose to add regenerative burst to his kit over another ability? Is this not too similar to Lucio’s amp, or Brigitte’s inspire?