I finally got his Pixel, Stand By Me. Not easy in Quickplay when you have feeding DPS who won’t group up. That will be much easier to get in comp.
Anyway, I’m looking for tips on how to get Window of Opportunity.
Did you focus on healing or damage? How many Amps did you need?
I know it will be easier against a Tanky team. Ideally GOATS and I know it doesn’t work against shields. Who should I be teaming up with?
omg i actually forgot they added new cute spray and new pixel to support coz he is support
I know you can easily get the pixel one on Oasis. Group up by the road, throw the lamp, and let your team get hit by one car. Instant achievement.
The cute one don’t have to be in a single casting, so pretty much it’s a matter of not dying. But having a Bastion in the team helps immensely with its huge damage output.
that is actually genius. I have it now though.
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Dude, everyone, like EVERYONE.
Is sick to death of QP being a Baptiste fustercluck with Immortality Fields party pooping every engagement.
Stop adding to the problem, please.
Seriously gonna uninstall this cheesefest on toast soon, it’s a farcical joke now.
have you tried shooting it? It only has 250HP and lasts 8 seconds.
I’ve heard convincing your friends to run quad tanks helps
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Lol also I have been having the same issues.
Something ive been wondering, does Window of Opportunity only counts if you hit/heal people?
Or the projectiles going trough the Amp is enough?
You actually have to heal or do damage.
And it doesn’t count the whole damage or heals. Like his grenade to 60 heals. If it passes through the Amp I now does 120 heals but the amped heal is still only 60.
Doing it is fine. Doing it and not dying is the pain.
Oh ok, yeah its gonna be a pain to get this…
The only plus side is it doesn’t need to be just one Amp. They should change Doomfist’s achievement like this too.
Okay. Been thinking about it. There might be an easier way to get it with a team of tanks, on Oasis.
Immortality field on the road. Get all hit by cars so low health. Group up. Heal heal heal.
Unfortunately, unless you are communicating this to your team it’s hard to keep them all together to benefit from that
I accidentally gave my buddy the achievement as Roadhog (I wasn’t even thinking about it), after I ulted through his Matrix while the enemy Zen was ulting.
Yes! Hadn’t thought of that. All you need is a Grav to hold them together.
Didn’t even need that, I just threw them up against a wall
What do you mean? I don’t understand.
Oh. The Roadhog ULT. For a second I thought you meant a Sym wall.
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Yeah lol I meant I used the ult to just pin them all up against a wall, so I didn’t need a Grav or anything