Baptiste Cute Spray Tips

Found this wee video. Seems like a easier if not more time consuming way to get it.

I have come up with an idea.
Have a friend play Bastion and hope the enemy has a Symmetra.
Wait for her to drop her Ult, then just drop Amp Matrix and let Bastion annihilate her shield.
This should work as amping barrier damage also counts for Orisa’s Supercharger achievement.

It have to be hero damage… Shield damage doesn’t count.

It’s weird that it’s different for Baptiste and Orisa.

100% agree, partially for the love of consistency and partially because I’d have this damn achievement if shield damage counted and that makes me salty.


2 days before comp release still cant get his cute spray not even close at time because staying alive as a support throughout an entire match is nigh impossible


Quickplay is not the way to do it. But immortality field with your team taking damage and splash healing through Amo looks like the most reliable way to do it without putting yourself in the firing line. Just have to pray you can love long enough to do it.

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Hi fellow trophy hunters,

So after hours and hours of painstakingly trying to get this trophy (cute spray - Window of Opportunity) I finally got it last night.

Mode: Quick Play
Map: Junkertown (Attack)
Deaths: 0
Total end of match healing: 26k
Total damage amplified end of match: ~400

Method: Played with a buddy who was on roadhog. I had him stand in various choke points and sponge damage while I showered him with healing grenades. Not allowing the hog to die took alot of coordination as you need as many ults as possible. We ultimately got lucky with a good team that was playing the objective and the map went through all phases (point a, b, and c) while he was basically feeding the enemy team ultimates. Without opening the different map phases you just dont have the time to get this trophy. The very last fight and my very last ult, I ended up switching to focus damage as my Roadhog died and a few shots on the enemy Orisa popped the trophy for me.

I am not proud of this method since it required us to pretty much ignore objectives and such, and essentially feed the enemy team, but it gave us results after a few attempts with this method. They need to better balance these trophies (next up Doomfists cratered. Sigh.)

-focus on healing
-friendly hog soak damage, dont let him die
-you cant die
-map has to go through all phases (attack payload or hybrid)


I have been trying this for a while with a Winston. Hog is a good shout because he has 100 more health.

Don’t need that anymore. Boop changes made Roadhog ult basically take 100% control of enemy hero movement, so you can pin them against walls easily.

I hate achievements like this. they make you play a very specific which may hurt your team. His life saving achievement is a good idea on how supports should work.

Remind me of Winston’s pixel, which was to destroy 15 “traps” (objects deployed by other heroes) without dying. You had to farm Symmetra turrets for three dives. Now you can clear it with a single Hamtaro minefield.


Or the destroy 2 or 3 teleporters in a single game when she had the shield generator. That one was impossible without farming it while she had that.

I got that in a match when there was no hero limit, and the enemy team went full Symmetra for the lulz. It was pretty much impossible on the times of Sym2 because if your TP would get destroyed twice, you would start placing shield gen instead.

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Been a long time coming