But I love him anyway. His kit is potent when you get used to it, and he can be run in way more varied team comps than just Bastion/Bunker. Everyone is sleeping on my mans even though he can afford buffs. He can pull his own weight without struggling very hard and should be netting gold healing easily over everyone but maybe Moira (and then… why are you running Baptiste with Moira honestly).
My mans has taken me through solohealing 5DPS on Paris defense. Through yeeting an immortality field across the map to save my doomfist or my hog hook victim.
And he’s hot! Look at that! He’s got a cute lil fun personality, and his sprays are What We Deserve, even though his pirate skins deprive him of how shredded he really is. I love hearing Haitian Creole. Plus, this is one of the most iconic voice lines ever.
Honorable mention to
I guess… Give Baptiste a try more? He’s a little clunky to start off with, but man… He’s fun when you get past that. His primary fire could have less recoil, he could bank his crouch jump a bit longer, his ult could do more… But he’s good. Really.
I guess if you have some fun lil Baptiste stories share them here I love my mans
I love Baptiste! I generally don’t do well with him, but I occasionally see other Bap players getting 12K+ heals per 10 with him, so I think I just need to git gud.
Hes no more boring than…Ana, Ashe, Bastion, Brigg, DVa, Doom, Genji, Hanzo, Junk, Lucio, McCree, yadda yadda. Just because he doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean he is undeserving of appreciation dude.
At first it was difficult to not just hold on to amp matrix for all eternity, but when you realize he gets it wicked fast it almost feels like you’re pumping those things out every team fight.
Seriously, this. After I stopped holding it I have an average of 14.9k healing per match. Not as great as it could be, but that definitely isn’t nothing.