Baptiste Appreciation Thread

You said something on a public forum? You don’t have to ask for responses. I wanted to know why

was warranted. That’s all.

I can rely.

I’d like to play Baptiste more but I always get nagged to play Ana or something if I do.

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I like him a lot, I just kinda wish that they could’ve given him a personality.

Heck, even Ashe has more personality than he does.

Idk why people say this. I think he has way more of a personality than Brigitte or even, like, Ana. He’s flirty, pretty optimistic, a little sarcastic, and debonair.


Not really, stall/OT heroes are disproportionately important.

Meanwhile the perpetual F tiers are, well…

oh my

ask some of the mercy mains, they can hook you up with a custom body pillow manufacturer

I actually find Baptiste very effective against Mei. Jumps over her wall. When she freezes a teammate, you just throw down one of them immortality fields and save your friends ^-^

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He basically has no interactions with anyone. (or does he?) To me, he just seems like the normal friendly guy with a cool origin.

But, he still has a personality that is equal to Zens Lore.

A lot of heroes don’t have many interactions for awhile after their release, though

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He doesn’t, but neither does Ashe besides her McCree interactions. They’re just really behind on implementing them. But his voice lines show a lot.


I just looked it up, he has none, not even a Telescope Line. :joy:

I’m unsure about voicelines but they’re kinda literally the only thing he has, so I guess I’ll let it pass.

(Since we didn’t get a cool Talon Mission at Archives with him and the other members)

The Archives mission itself was literally impossible and people said so while everyone else was losing their cookies

What do you mean with impossible?

With the current timeline, and even with the addition of Baptiste, a talon mission was literally impossible. The only talon members we have are Doom, Widow, Sombra, Bap, Reaper, and Moira.

Reaper and Moira didn’t join until after Overwatch fell, so they are out. That leaves Doom, Widow, Sombra, and Bap.

Doomfist wasn’t “Doomfist” until after he murdered Akande right after Retribution happened 6 years ago. He was arrested 2 years later, which takes place right after Storm Rising. Realistically, Doom, Sombra, Widow, and Baptiste COULD have been a team during those 2 years since the other 3 don’t have definitive dates in lore. That being said, Widow is very situational and 2 heavily CC heroes like Doom and Sombra just won’t work in a horde mode together.

So a Talon mission was, and still is, quite impossible until they extend their heroes in game.


Bap is SURPRISINGLY fun to play. His kit is different enough from other healers and really fits my style of play. I’ve also been loving his passive to heal from above if I’m farther back.

I enjoy his personality too. It’s cocky but not arrogant.

I’m hoping to get him into my top 3-4 most played heroes.


And even though I would LOVE to have a Talon mission, all we have seen thus far are missions from the OverWatch database.

Not saying it CAN’T happen but currently the trend is OverWatch members and teams.

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I prefer that they are extending the hero lore first, which they have, so I’d personally love to see a Talon mission, there just isn’t enough pre-“fall of Overwatch” cast to support it yet. Bare minimum they need 1 more dps and 1 tank before they can realistically do an Archive for them.

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Even though the roster is fairly large as is; but with how slow the connections to one another is turning out it is hard to make a lore-based mission not feel either repetitive in the team (Ala one of the big complaints in StormRising)…or slap dash a team together and mess up the timeline-your summary of where the Talon aligned characters are laid out shows how awkward it would be with who we have now.

(I mean I wish we got faster hero turnout in general to help flush out some bits of lore that have just been dead for a year but meh).


Personally, I don’t care for lore, it is just a nice addition, but I recognize there are others that like it and it is necessary for Archives to be relevant.