You can literally fit a truck through this thing on EC now.
I feel like it’s big enough where putting it diagonally (like symmetras ultimate) gives it way more use…since you can move forward and still be able to use it now
Yes it’s actually usable now!
He got upgraded to an ULTRA wide screen 4k TV!
If you ask me they could remove every thing they gave him in this patch and just keep the healing nade speed and hps changes.
He is finally a main healer again! I really hope the two make it to live. I dont care if they remove the amp buff or the primary again.
ultra wide screen
It was already a strong af ult! This is overtuned and probably won’t go live all the way!
Isn’t it like an additional 3 HPS for bapt?
He is still a main healer on live…he even outheals Mercy and Ana on average statistically, and those numbers are objective not subjective.
The fire rate nerf to his healing basically compensates for the heal buff so it’s not really that much on an increase.
The damage fire rate buff is his biggest buff. He will probs be a strong DPS-based support again like he was when he was meta.
Legit blizz stated it wasnt any good with out getting your team to grouped up . read developers comment dear
Thank you ill edit it now haha
And it may surprise you to know some of us can get our teams to group up Hence why Bap window is one of the scariest ults in the game in ranked and why multiple pros and top players are tweeting that this change is OP.
Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t go live at all or is nerfed before it does. Dear.
Yes I assumed they ment like you are getting to close and will get deathballed through. Please read love. And if there twitting they aint playing and I am (;
I havent tried him yet, but just from the patch notes i feel like they might be overbuffing him a lot.
i have time to tweet between the 10 minute ques love
Its just not possible especially in the lower ranks. The devs know this. You really have to say that you are soooo awesome all the time because you HAVE real teams high up there right?
You must be fun on parties. Dude chill out and maybe just enjoy it? Its experimental for a reason.
Exc ques are 3 mins tops . So Idk mannn
thats still more than enough time
Tell me , what your opinions on this change are ? What’s your play time on bap ? Let me understand .
Edit 32 mins but your xbox and pc accounts are private.
I’m literally just copying the arrogant tone that he used first
But yeah I’m the one who needs to chill out