Banning trash talk instead of just silencing

Well, the punishment increases with every new offence if you do it often in a short period of time.

I’ll be willing to meet half way on this say that a little trash talk and an “EZ” is inconsequential in terms of long term real life goals, I wouldn’t say it though nor would I report for minor trash talk. However, the point is that why do you want to talk trash? What do you personally get out of it? And people who talk trash should know that not everyone is going to take it as passively as you might want them to. That’s the reality of it, you can say thinned skinned all you want but it is what it is. Is it really that surprising to people who want to BM when they get reported?

Maybe this will help focus the attempted arguments against my silence-instead-of-ban position: most posts trip over the following:

-They assume putative toxic reports are actually even toxic.
-Human verification is asserted, but not relevant to the ban/silence choice
-They hide behind a unilaterally revised ToS and CoC, again avoiding the merits of silences over bans for peer reports.
-Inapt comparisons with dissimilar situations (e.g., OW is like performance theater lolz)
-“Why can’t you just be sportmanlike?” Again that’s no guarantee of safety if you don’t appease every premade or wannabe shotcaller.
-Unsubstantiated denial over whether false reporting even occurs.
-Assuming player behavior modification is more important than selling access to a (well-moderated?) game
-Most importantly, not addressing the thread title

I’m not though. For clarity: a paid account should be fairly moderated. A ban based on peer reports of trash talk is an overreaction.

Yep. And when I purchased my account, the original CoC kept it to silences, which is a reasonable way to scale moderation of a popular game. Silencing palliates the issues with peer reports of toxic comms. Banning is way out of scope.

Good on you, you’re above average. But you’re changing the subject, the point is: what is the appropriate response? A report contributing to a paid account ban is OK, but talking back isn’t?

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It’s a public game you play with random people. Not everyone is going to enjoy your “trash talk” or whatever else you claim is harmless.

There are consequences for what you say to random people, deal with it.

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In which circumstances does this fit the bill? In real life you don’t get a trial, if a business has deemed you a problem you are often removed without negotiation: They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Most companies do not have the expenses to even afford a fair moderation, and yet Blizzard actively pays game masters to moderate and answer tickets for a game that you don’t have to pay an active subscription to.

The fact that the punishment system comes in stages and gives you a number of warnings and minor punishments before an actual suspension is a luxury. Many other games out there just flat out ban you if you get verbal with people.

You so severely overestimate your importance because “you paid money” for it. It does not afford you “fair moderation.” You have been granted the privilege of learning from your mistakes, and you instead choose to actively champion against that concept. Bravo.

Stop telling people to grow thicker skin. Stop blaming the system for your toxicity. You don’t have an excuse to put people down. If you want to trash talk, put in the effort to find friends who enjoy it instead of expecting random strangers to put up with your behavior.


Silencing was inexpensive and the best solution, all things considered. You’re still dodging the issue of bans being an overreaction to peer reports. You’re still wrong, businesses deal with consumer protections all the time. Good businesses go above and beyond that. Have fun navigating that.

Another assumption that reports are accurate, and another failure to address the ban/silence choice. Was someone mean to you in a recent game?

No :tongue:

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I dont have a mic

I am not the only one without a mic

so no, you’re wrong that everyone trash talks

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There’s absolutely zero proof that bans are an overreaction. It’s a small minority of players that get suspended. Most players reform after the first warning, the rest reform after their first punishment. Only the absolutely worst ragers continue to flame all the way into a suspension.

The stats were published long ago by Riot games when they implemented their anti-toxicity systems, and Blizzard has copied their approach.

Consumer protections don’t mean diddly here. You’re purchasing a license, not a product. That license got revoked because you failed to adhere the code of conduct. You won’t even be able to drag it into a courtroom because Blizzard will just pull the chat logs instantly and there won’t be a case.

Edit: The best way you can avoid getting punished is to realize this is your fault and no one else’s. Blaming Blizzard’s system on the forum isn’t going to make toxic behavior okay. You have complete and full control over the words you type in the game.

You can learn to channel your anger into something else if you put in an active effort. Most players opt for just swearing into blank space. Others take breaks and don’t get tilted. Find a way to deal with it.

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It takes a lot of reports to be suspended and especially a lot to be banned. If you’re getting suspended maybe you should realize not everyone enjoys what you think is “friendly banter”.

I just don’t enjoy toxic stupid garbage. It’s a game I play for entertainment, not for something to hear people scream or call each other insults and other crap. If you like that sort of thing, stay in a group with your friends and “banter” away.

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It doesn’t take a lot of reports. My last punishment got me banned after one game. One game. For 15 days, same as xQc’s last punishment.

And that was after talking about Brigitte, Widow and Doomfist with no swearing or insults. That’s where this whole “you’re just really toxic” argument completely falls apart.

except it is

Except it’s not - it’s just trash talk.

If you’re trash at the game, I can call you trash. /shrug

It’s a wonder why you got suspended for calling people trash.

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Well - I never have.

My first ever silence was for spamming “I need healing” 15 times and asking the Ana to right click me and to swap to Mercy.

That’s what I’d consider silence worthy, but a discussion on game balance? With no insults or swearing isn’t worthy of a 15 day ban - or silence - or any punishment.

You’re right. This dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’m always on mic and I’m always positive. If I lose my temper, I mute my mic or leave team chat. Simple.

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No, it wasn’t.

The way the abusive chat reports work is that when you are reported, it scans the chat log and if any toxic words are recognized, the game gets flagged. If you have enough valid flagged games, then any report can trigger your suspension. The system simply is not instantaneous, but you already had a higher percentage of actual toxic games.

If I’m wrong, if you truly weren’t toxic, then you can appeal your suspension here:

But the ticket is reviewed by a game master, who will pull the logs from the games that were flagged and registered. If there is abusive chat in those, the appeal will fail. And you can’t lie to the game master.

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Remember when those who told others to “Grow thicker skin” also used to embrace personal responsibility? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

By definition, bans (and suspensions for that matter) for peer reports of trash talk are overreaction. They screw over paid accounts, where a silence completely solves the toxic comm’s problem while continuing access for paid accounts. The rest of your bolded response assumes a lot of the fallacies I listed earlier.

Hi-diddly-ho neighborino!

Which is why they could simply mute, no further drama needed. But if they need the conversation babysat, a silence is an acceptable compromise.

Even if it was, just mute or silence them. (see thread title).

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Why are voice lines still spam-able?