Banning trash talk instead of just silencing

I can rob the corner store

I can jump off a 100 foot cliff

I can stand directly atop a blazing campfire

Lots of things you can do

I can list more of them if you want

but none of us wonder any more after your comment above why you’ve received multiple punishments from Blizzard

So, by your “definition” are bans for cheating/hacking an overreaction?

Because people take a lot of damage in a game. McKay’s complaint is another example of the trivial stuff folks get reported over, and Blizzard seems to think that would ever warrant a ban.

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Reading comprehension is a gift, you should try it some time instead of skimming. May actually learn something.

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You are silenced before you are suspended. The point of silences are to help you reform. If you continue to demonstrate that you are unable to reform, then the punishments have to become more severe to make you understand you cannot play this game if you don’t adhere the code of conduct. Until finally, your account is permanently terminated.

You don’t get an excuse to be toxic. You’re looking for it here. You might get sympathy from other people who have been suspended for toxic behavior, but Blizzard has your chat logs.

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So you now know exactly what the game master told me now, is it? You know everything now, is it?

So you’re telling me a machine thinks that saying “Doomfist having a one shot ability in a kit that encourages combos is poor game design” “Brigitte shouldn’t have that stun imo - way too powerful for a support hero /shrug” is toxic and should be banned as soon as the game’s over?

“Clever girl…” - that one Jurassic park film


It takes two to tango. It -really is- as simple as muting them and moving on. If you’re sticking around trying to reason with a troll, it’s quite literally your own dumb fault haha. The troll is not interested in reasoning with you, they’re just trying to get a rise out of you.

People mistakenly think “oh I’m gonna stick up for myself!” by dignifying the troll with a response. The -real- way to stick up for yourself is by ignoring them completely, and encouraging others to do the same.

You’re not required to take the bait. Remember that.

That just means that you’re afraid of punishment … you’re still toxic.

What chat log? You’re trying to tell us that Blizard has perfect speech-to-text solution for all languages and keeps all those text logs on their machines?

Yeah that doesn’t sound right. It takes more than one game. And maybe you should chill on calling others out constantly.


Haha - so from one comment you think all these bans for “abusive chat” are fair? That’s pretty closed minded and ignorant of you - thinking people can’t change after a year.

I never have done, but if you’re not performing well at all, I can call you bad. It’s not a bad thing and the team would agree with you - it’s a team game after all and everyone wants to win. Asking someone to swap because they’re contributing to the downfall of the team shouldn’t be bannable (which it is)

No, literally toxicity has to have the ability to spread, I keep my TEMPER out of comp. True, I have a temper, but I am NOT toxic.

And no, I’m not afraid of punishment, I believe in treating others with respect, even if they’re upsetting me. You might want to think things through before posting in the future.

there’s the 100 foot cliff over there, you can jump off it if ya want

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I still don’t understand why it’s spammable. You only need to hear it one time. Some don’t even need it to heal.

It was one game, I had just started Overwatch and played QP to get ready for competitive. 6 PM on a Friday, right after I’d gotten back.

No, I explained that earlier. Feel free to search.

You’re the one pointing out rules are rules. Feel free to address my question whenever you are comfortable.

Ok let’s go along with this. Do you think someone should ever be banned for reasoning with trolls?

Wow, and you’re saying it’s fine to ban folks for toxic chat…

The burden of proof is on the one making the statement. I have absolutely zero reason to believe you, but the system is objective and only operates in absolutes. The victimhood narrative just isn’t going to work here because you’re not really the victim either.

The machine has a list of words that flags the game if they are found. It takes a certain percentage of toxic games to trigger a punishment. Ergo you already had a consistent negative behavior.

Sorry, let me rephrase.

If you’re not performing well at all, I’m entitled to call you out for it and ask you swap, and not be punished for it.

Then, by definition, you don’t understand the word “definition.” Because both are clearly spelled out in the ToS and both affect paying customers. Just stop being toxic and you’ll stop being banned.

Wrong. The point of silences to stop further toxic comm’s. Again this is an online game, not online finishing school.

You can ask me to switch even before you see me perform in the game (calling me out is either irrelevant or reportable, depending on your definition of calling me out)

Asking once is fine

needs to be ask, not demand

needs to be once only

refusal on my part is also perfectly fine