Banning for abusive chat? really?

abusive chat doesn’t have to be toxic, as calling bullcrap heroes bullcrap also counts as “abusive chat” (not in those exact words)

give some context… “he was indeed toxic” isnt context… I mean i see people crying “toxic” when someone says “hey do you mind swaping to a hero you can help the team with please?”

ive see people cry toxic for the most stupid crap to a point where based on context toxicity is defined as “you said something i diddnt like, it doesnt have to be mean or hateful” or “hey your not really accomplishing anything on widow mind swaping”. then they get upset and cry toxic because they said you werent contributing… even though youve been on the right side of the kill feed 10 times for every time youron the left side… or might as well be afk because you cant hit anything…

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Lol even your title is kind of toxic and i literally can hear you being angry just by reading your text.

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Inappropriate Language

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Bypass the Mature Language filter

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Voice chat with random people isn’t nearly as important as you think it is.

And it’s definitely not a reportable offense for not joining. But acting toxic and like a little brat is reportable.

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let me rephrase your sentence for you, so that you understand what you’re saying…

Teamwork with random people on ladder isn’t nearly as important as you think it is.

sure, I can be toxic, but it’s mainly due to people like you.

I’m pretty sure they don’t join voice chat because of toxic people crapping on their heroes with comments like

or other forms of whining or toxicity.
Cause -> effect


never mind i dont need citation just based on the way OP is behaving here… he did deserve it


sure, but im asking why the suspension over the mute? as a mute i litterally cannot harm anyone while muted

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mute is a one time only deal…

after that they will just keep suspending you for longer and longer each time… as the report system is less about combating toxicity… and trying to coax you into buying an additional account to circumvent the suspensions than actually combat problems.

i mean i had an account that was given to me… when i got it was on a 2 month suspension for abusive chat…

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This has already been answered.

Blizzard is done dealing with you, Blizzard doesn’t want you in the game anymore.

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nah they want him to buy another account is what they really want him to do…

like all the other extremely toxic players… who never seem to go away since they just account hop each time one gets suspended

you have to really extremely cross the line to actually get baned for abusive chat… and even then to my knowledge its only an account ban… not a system ban like they do against cheaters

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Abusive chat is literally toxicity. What do you mean “abusive chat doesn’t have to be toxic”? They’re one and the same.

Telling another player they’re playing a “bullcrap hero” – especially before the game even starts – is toxic, whether or not you agree with it. You’re personally harassing someone’s hero choice before even watching them play and sabotaging the entire team energy.

Blizzard doesn’t just throw around bans willy-nilly, and based on your responses in this thread I can see how the GMs thought your words, tone, and just general attitude is toxic.


I’d argue they don’t want him to buy another account, since Jeff has said they don’t want these type of players in the game. They just can’t stop him from buying another account.

Gee whiz, I wonder why people reported you for toxicity and the GMs who reviewed your account history agreed. I have no idea how they got to that conclusion.


no, not really. I can say F***! and that is considered abusive chat per blizzard terms. the outlet of my anger is “abusive chat”.

abusive players are not the ones who tilt, but rather the ones who cause you to tilt.

LOL dude… we both know blizzard likes money…

And if the system worked for as long as its been in place one would think we would see less and less toxicity as time progresses… has that been the case… not really some would argue its gotten worse.

I mean each time they get a new account thats another X amount of dollars in blizzards pocket so what if they have to ban him again… when the time comes they will

im not trying to encourage him to do so… im just trying to point out how ineffective the system is with satire

i mean i got an abusive chat suspension once for “use of profanity” the gm on my appeal told me… diddnt list any examples or anyting… (kind of surprised they gave me a response at all even though it was total BS)
As the only thing that would make me Remotely “toxic” is the fact i tell it like its and dont sugar coat it… and people dont like the cold hard truth even when its presented in a calm and friendly manor…


OK so if you know it violates Blizzard’s CoC/ToS, why are you doing it? Blizzard has clearly lined out what’s okay and what isn’t – even adding a toxicity filter to the game – and you know this information, yet you continue to violate the CoC/ToS and wonder why you’re being punished?

No, quite the opposite actually. I find tilted players are some of the most toxic people in the game, constantly blaming others for their deaths (“WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST HEAL ME?”) or as you admitted, “WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THAT HERO YOU IDIOT?”

Also, no one can make you tilt. You’re in control of your own behavior. Especially if you have the gamesense to know why your team lost (were you outplayed? was your team out of position? was your team trickling? were people on your team not communicating?) and are self-aware enough to recognize your own mistakes contributing to a loss, you’re less likely to be tilted. I don’t tilt because I always keep in mind this is just a game, and I can always find a reason why my team lost/enemy team won. Usually it’s because of ULT economy management, players not playing their mains, our team playing lowground while letting the enemy team play highground uncontested, or because we failed to switch up our team comp when we were being hard countered.

Maybe, instead of taking your anger out on others, you channel it in a positive way and look at your own performance and what you could have done to improve your odds of winning the game. No one is a perfect player, even pros make mistakes, the difference is pros take the time to review their own recorded play to clearly see mini mistakes that cost the game etc. Improving your own play will help you climb and consequently, paired with better teammates who are also aware of their strengths/weaknesses.

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Im still mad that I can’t use swears because kids can’t read a bad word.

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Because game try to teach you how to communicate without certian words with somemanners and respect for others when you play with people, who mayby just think its not plesent to hear every game and prefere never see you in ther game. If you fail to understand once, there is bigger punishment, but this one is to stop you from plaing and make think about what you did wrong, since mute dont bother you propably to much.