Banning for abusive chat? really?

how about something taking that first time offender penalty, and extending it instead? (mute)

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You could learn not to make abusive chat?

Just a wild and crazy idea.


Please be advised that the discussion of account actions are prohibited on the forums. Remember that if you subjected to an account action from Blizzard and feel it was unjust you can appeal the action in their support site:

Otherwise please remember that you are responsible for your actions per the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct:

I obviously don’t know the details of your action, and rather would not know, but I hope this information helps you sort out any account issues or helps you find ways to enjoy Overwatch with the rest of us in the community.


Are you saying you never got warned and were instantly permanently banned from OW the game for abusive chat?

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Translation: I got muted then banned. How about just extending the mute?


On a scale of pfft to yowza, how bad were you?

please be advised that I’m currently asking why the penalties are the way they are, and not the god damned reasons for the actions. that i totaly agree with. except the fact that you litterally cannot say the F-word about anything without getting banned for a month.

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There are resources for that. First off, the Code-of-Conduct that I linked above gives a reasonable explanation to the expectations of all players who play Blizzard Games.

Simply put, you must remember that we are an online community. We are human beings, some of us kids and some of us kids at heart, but most importantly, we all want to have fun playing the game. Being abusive in communication to anyone or at the game is NOT okay.

Now, in most cases, an Abusive Chat penalty starts in a “silence” for a short time duration. However Blizzard, at their discretion, will increase penalties or change them to suspensions or permanent game bans based on the severity of the action. They do this because at that point they have more interest in protecting the rest of the community rather than continue to let you access the game.

As a player who cares for this community, I ask of you, please be kind and friendly to everyone. Games of Overwatch, especially in Competitive Mode, can be extremely intense, and we all want to do our best in each game we play. Sometimes we clash against each other in personality and gameplay, but we all want to play.

If in the event you have the BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket, I strongly recommend that you watch the Play Nice, Play Fair panel. They go into details of expectations of player behaviors and what they do to effectively educate us to play all together.

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Well firstly… we need to clarify if in fact this was a ban or a suspension…

if it was a suspension… he may have deserved it he may not have, appealing is pointless and blizzard will always side with the people reporting…

i mean i had an appeal denied… and the only thing the gm could find to deny my appeal was “use of profanity”

while some people do deserve the suspension… theres just as many that get reported that dont…

Now if you got banned on the other hand, thats totally diffrent animal… as you really have to cross the line to get banned…

I can confirm, I played with the OP, and he was indeed toxic and abusive in chat. Even though it was not directed to me, it was directed toward others and I indeed reported him.


thank you for helping the community stay clean. cause you know. gameplay sabotage is equally troublesome, so maybe report those guys refusing to step into voice too next time.

You have a terribly misconstrued understanding of “gameplay sabotage”. Players are not required to be in voice coms. You could use the LFG feature which has a voice coms recommendation feature if communication is this important to you. But belittling/attacking other players the way you did is not the way to go about it.


they aren’t required to play competetive overwatch either. if voice gives you an atvantage 50,000001% of the time, you join voice. its about using all the advantages you can to beat the enemy. THAT is competetive. if you want to play just for the lulz, go play quickplay.

never use chat in modern online games. Just don’t. Wait few years, maybe people will get over “toxicity” like it was used to be few years ago. Or ww3 will start and we will have bigger problems

Because obviously you didn’t learn from being silenced. If you’re not going to learn to not be toxic then they don’t want you in the game, so enjoy that ban.


You are always on fire :sunglasses: :fire:

honestly, I’d be fine if they permasilenced me. or simply removed all chat. but that defeats the purpose of competetive overwatch, doesn’t it?

I don’t turn on chat because I don’t want to hear a torrent of abuse directed at me or my teammates because someone is tilted and having a bad day.


I mean being toxic , rude & condescending to your teammates in a team-based game also defeats the purpose of competitive OW doesn’t it?


Online games in the beginning weren’t too bad on average especially because you had to actually communicate with others to get things done and your reputation mattered more. Then it started to get ridiculous in the mid 2000s as popularity and the next generation of people began to flood it (and as tools like LFG and so on further disconnected people from one another), and now we are here where there is little to no consequences for being a jackass because your reputation hardly matters anymore and you can get most if not all things done without considering other people, except of course when they make you cry about something.

But it’s those people complaining about “toxicity” that are the whiners I guess and they just need to grow skin so thick it may as well be a carapace. People today are certainly softer than several decades ago, but people were also generally nicer to one another as well, probably because they experienced rough times and know that you gain nothing by making the next person feel miserable.

The people who get banned or chastised for “minor” things like abusive chat are also the kind of people who flip tables over minor things.