Banning by reports is disgusting

Ok bye stop being toxic or leave 1 toxic player gone will keep 10 nice players playing you get banned for a reason fix it

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Yeah keep thinking that. You think you’re the law of everything? You think random players will listen to your logic? If they brought the game then they do as they please. It was their money…not yours. Sure the game provides tips, but you don’t have to always abide them.

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there is a solution to avoid getting banned for playing niche heroes: find people who wanna play with those niche heroes.

if you are too lazy for using the LFG feature… dont complain.

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Ok but its a team game if you want to play the hero you want to play play Deathmatch if you want to play with a team and maybe play the hero you want to play but try to coordinate with multiple people then play comp or quick play it’s simple deathmatches made for the people who don’t want to switch because it doesn’t matter who you play to anybody but you

The same can be said to people who complain about having one-tricks on their team.


the issue is not simply “one tricks” but situational heroes who do need special setups aka “everyone needs to play around me or its 5vs6”…


He’s getting reported because he won’t work with a team in a team game all because he’s one tricking I guarantee he doesn’t get reported the games that his hero fits with the team but what he’s saying is he wants to pick one hero and then five other people have to build a team around him so he can play who he wants and he’s not expecting to get reported you have to be mildly flexible if you’re going to play this team game or you can just play Deathmatch where it’s 1 player each team

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You cannot, and will not play as a solo player in Overwatch. Sorry, but you have to abide by the title of the game being team based. If you cannot handle that, go play literally any single player only game.


Where did he say this?

He didn’t explicitly say that he said he’s getting banned for one tricking which is what is implied he’s picking one hero and the only way for a team to win if he’s picking the one hero is to build around that hero

Where did he even suggest the team should flex for him?

So in other words I am forced to play something else I am not good with in order to avoid a ban. That’s a very obscene oppressive rule don’t ya think? Perhaps I should start giving the game bad rep. Even if I do play swap for the fact I am dealing with human beings emotions. There’s a possible chance I will get ban for something extremely silly.

Team game = team synergy no matter what hero you choose or swap to. If your team cannot perform well then that’s that. Unfortunately this game has build a toxic atmosphere there’s nothing forgiving anymore.

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Oh my god dude he’s saying he’s getting banned for one tricks he’s pissed about that the only way for that to be fixed is if he ends up on a team where his one hero works to where he doesn’t get banned the problem is the five people are not cooperating with him so he’s mad that they’re reporting him instead because he’s not cooperating with them you can go and cut the words apart and send them at me but you know this is what he say read it you just defending him because you’re probably a one trick also the lfg system keeps the people who will work as a team away from one tricks and it’s also a system that one tricks can use so they can play their hero but if you solo cue and dont work with you team you will be reported unless your entire team will Flex to you am I wrong in saying this either he flexes or his entire team flexes one of the two

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Where does he say this?

Why do you keep making things up?

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My man you want to play Hero that not a lot of people like to play use the lfg system put it in the title I’m going to play so and so then you will never be reported because you will be with players that want to play with that hero and whether your team can perform or not just because you lost does not mean they will report you if your the reason they lost because you wouldn’t Flex or you wouldn’t work with them they might report you but I guarantee every player in the game doesn’t report one person every single game and I haven’t seen your name on any reform that says report this guy we want to get him kicked out of the game so if you keep getting reported it has to be something you’re doing because there’s only one common factor in all the circumstances if you use deductive reasoning

Don’t you think that logic is kind of sick though? You have to be ban for hero choices? That’s practically defeating the game and having fun. Why bother playing a game that’s oppressive with a toxic atmosphere? You truly support this?


It’s how the game works so when he says I want to play this hero somebody has to flex in every team will you have to group up with people that play Heroes that work well together that’s how this game works I’m not making anything up by him saying that it’s implying the other things I’m for real done arguing with you if you’re not going to make any actual points and you’re just going to say where does he explicitly say this I’m done talking to you it’s the implication of what he saying and if you can’t see that we can’t have a conversation the game works when you pick Heroes that synergize well together and if he’s going to try to force it hero into a team that nobody can play Heroes or five people don’t want to play Heroes that work well with it he’s trying to force 5 people to flex to him and if he doesn’t Flex to them then he’s not working with a team and he can be reported every person in the entire game can be reported for this

You play competitive to have fun? The majority plays to tryhard and climb, fun is a byproduct.

The game in general?

Not Banning hero choices though you can use the lfg system to play who you want to play but if you cannot work with a bunch of random people thrown together to make a decent team to play together you can be reported I can be reported I only play certain Heroes that don’t work well with lot of people I’m a tank player my main is Rine I play a little Winston but I’m better with rine so I get on and I group up with people using the lfg system or my friends list so that I can play who I want to play that play Heroes that correspond who I want to play and I never get reported but if I try to jump in a comp game and everybody picks dive Heroes and I pick Reinhardt I will probably get reported