Banning by reports is disgusting

well his win rate is about 50% so its not like hes throwing all of his matches.

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Thanks for the discussion, but you’re not understanding what I just told you. I don’t feel like wasting more time. Have a good night.

Right. Which makes me think it might not be just about their hero picks but maybe the way they conduct themselves as well, not just gameplay or performance.

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This. This is just like when people say “it’s because I one trick”.

You do not get banned manually by the Devs because you on trick.

People cannot come on here and simply say “it’s because I one trick” and immediately have people believe you.

A Top 500 Torbjorn main complained on the forums about being banned for one tricking, turns out, Jeff Kaplan came on and released some of his chat logs for being toxic and for trolling.

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big daddy jeff to the rescue

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Yep. Exactly this. You know what they say:

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Give this a read, it was interesting.


This system is automated and doesnt save any logs or proof of “trolling”. This top500 torb was banned on his stream so every one saw hes not trolling. Also this torb got a lot of subs so thats why jeff reacted to this.

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What? No not Fuey500. Also, they do check chat logs. Jeff Kaplan himself LITERALLY posted examples of what he said, lol.

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Feel free to use a 2nd account as most people specially if you want to practice cetain heroes but always trying to win of course.

U shouldnt trust to jeff that much …


Agreed the current reporting system is abused by angry children in the worste way. Get rid of abusive chat and game sabotage reporting. Just add a couple more avoid as team mate slots.

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1 or 2 of my 4 accounts are constantly banned so also bliz makes me waste more money. Glad i bought them cheap from 2nd hands. Banning one tricks is also profitable like selling smurfs …

The game director wouldn’t tarnish his own name to protect the game. Jeff is honest with us, he gets the final say on a lot of things. He made a mistake before with someone complaint about Widow. He apologized for being unprofessional and gave the player a copy of WoW and the Widow Noire skin.

You clearly did something wrong if you got all or most of them banned. That’s on you. Just because you bought the game multiple times, doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable to banishment.

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you literally deserve the ban.

find people to play with in a group who accept your selfish hero choices or learn to deal with reports.


Banning by reports only promotes toxicity and also loses trust within the franchise. Unfortunately they believe this is the right path or most easiest to solve without doing true research to see whether it’s worth to ban the user. I can say from my experience and what other players who have been falsely accused. They don’t overlook a lot of appeals even when you’re 100% right. I feel like they’re trying to meet the quota seeing how many players they can ban under their name.

I know I am guesstimating at this point, but it sure does look like it really does happen that way.


i cannot remember the last time when i reported someone for playing a certain hero but i gladly take more avoid spots… 20 spots would be a good number on plat elo.

With your type of views you seem like the one who should be banned. If you can’t accept players hero choices whether selfish or being brand new. Then you have no purpose here or in any game that provides online services to play with other players.


this is a team game… if you are not willing to play as a team… simply dont play it at all.

its not that complicated to understand…