Banned LucioBall

If you are banned from the main competitive season, then you are also banned from arcade Competitive modes as well.

That’s our point, That was last year 2017 Lucioball, and right now we are unbanned from season 8 or 9, whichever it was it’s not the point. It still won’t let us play Copa Lucioball 2018 even though the last season ended a year ago, and our bans were lifted


glad to see some ppl wont be back this year

My net kept kicking me from games at random times.

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Just as a follow up I am seeing multiple reports of players who were banned from the 2017 Copa Lucioball season as still being banned for 2018. I am trying to get an answer for this from my contacts at Blizzard and if it is under investigation.


Dude, u seem to be missing the point: we got banned for something we couldn’t control - not reports - and even though we can play comp, we cant play copa lucio ball

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You did read the rest of the thread right? and either way, if that’s the stand point that blizzards taking then how come we can still play normal comp - a game mode that has much more importance to people than the temporary mini game

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Same here man. On ps4

I got banned in normal comp last year for bad Internet so I missed lucio ball competitive last time y are we still banned


Hey everyone, just as a follow up, we are needing to get any reports listed in the Bug Report forum. I got some attention focused on it, but it helps if more players report on this thread in the bug report forum to bring attention to the Q.A. team for this:

Plz do i really wanna play lucio ball comp this year but its saying im banned even through im not banned from regular comp

This is the same problem i have i got banned a year back for repeated disconnects when i was using my old crappy laptop on normal competitive now i upgraded to a beast pc havent disconnected once but ive never actully played competitive lucioball i dont have it in my tabs for competitive seasons i sent a ticket to blizzard they havent replied yet .
Currently not banned on normal competitive"

I don’t believe it’s all internet DC’s for everybody here

and even so, if you know you have poor internet, stop playing online, sorry, but you’re ruining the experience for everybody else

I’m pretty sure it takes Blizzard a while to bring down the perm ban hammer so honestly it’s tough luck for repeat offenders

It’s like the employer analogy except you’re trying to go back to the same employer that fired you 2 years later and wonder why they don’t want you back

I will use my contacts at the FBI also :thinking:


Yeah,same problem on ps4.Last year break my chair because of my internet,hopefully it is ok now and i don’t ruin experience for fellows in competitive and some people need to be more polite,last year is last year all deserve second chance this is just a game.

ffs, if you’ve read the thread then you’ll know that lots of people don’t have connection issues anymore. And either way, if this wasn’t a bug then how come we can still play normal comp - the more serious mode?

this legit? cuz that sounds bs imho

Everyone, this is now resolved:

bois im checking if this is legit now, praise the sun if it is

hallelujah its fixed lads