Banned for playing Symmetra

What if the off meta player is actually not doing his job though? do they acknowledge their mistake when that happens? or do they pull the offmeta victim card? how do we separate straight out hero bias from actual crap performance?

Thing is this game doesnt give us enough information mid match to know if something is working out or not, if this game had a performance table it would be easier to defuse some of these arguments, but meanwhile we have to trust our own observations and bias instead unfortunately.

A. Playing badly is not reportable. Although I do see people reporting other players for being bad too no matter how meta their heroes, because people are dumb.

B. What has any of this got to do with what I said, which is that most of the tilting and toxicity starts in spawn before the match even starts.

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The false reporters are very clearly breaking the rules. Same as if they were using an aimbot, sabotaging, or engaging in active verbal abuse. Even if it does require some effort, these players deserve to be punished for toxicity to preserve the utility of the reporting system.

Also, you’re drifting into ad hominem territory here assuming my play preferences, and experiences, are similar to that of the OP. They aren’t. But that doesn’t mean the OP isn’t right.


I understand that and agree, playing badly is not reportable according to blizzard terms but the community is an entity of its own and they have their own opinion of what is acceptable and what is not, if enough portion of the community feels wronged by the way you play chances are you will face a consequence sooner than later, because Blizzard rules for acceptable behaviour are not necessarily aligned with the community rules for acceptable behaviour, you NEED to have an uderstanding of these two components to go and play without any issue.

Thing is when people keep ignoring the negative community reactions and when zhit finally hits the fan people plays lawyer and just point fingers quoting text from the EULA when they knew what they were doing, despite it not being discouraged by blizzard it was discouraged by enough people in several matches. Im just saying THAT is something to keep in mind here.

Which is why I suggest for people to try and find like minded players beforehand, if you want to be succesful at an unpopular hero you need to work out the issues to reduce them as much as possible, not willing to do any of that is straight out lazy and uncreative in my opinion.

I didnt mention your name along any play preference, I said “Seriously, Try it” I was speaking generally for people in this situation that wants to play and train an unpopular hero or go and play without comms but is unwilling to find a like minded group to flesh it out. It boggles my mind.

Like wise you NOT having the same experience as the Op is a separate thing and doesnt mean he is right either.

but now that we are on topic, do you play any offmeta hero ? have you experienced something along those lines and how did you go about it?

Hey dude, I feel you. I got mad reported apparently just for not reporting our sym for throwing.

Symmetra remains the one character where, if we lose while I’m playing her… I’ll get endorsements. But if we win while I’m playing her… I usually don’t get endorsements. Even if I get POTG and am the only teammember with a card.

Really don’t get it.

If Blizzard made the system, and Blizzard knows the system’s flawed in a way which could be abused like this, then Blizzard has chosen to ban him and will be held directly responsible for it.

No player has an obligation to join Voice-Chat just to justify their character; that level of entitlement to require a player to rather than have fun, justify themselves in the court of team opinion, is scummy at best.

Im sorry Op for what is worth I dont like that you can get easily banned for playing symmetra constantly either, you just wanted to improve your sym from around platinum level to diamond and above level and thats fine to me, what Im criticizing is your approach and that there are many different ways to avoid suspension and the issues altogether for you to succed at that goal , ways that you completely discarded and didnt use to your advantage.

Hell Im even this close and at the point of placing a bet with all of you on starting an account in platinum and getting to diamond with symmetra as the most played character in that season without getting suspended, recording every match and my experience. Thatd be a fun challenge.

She had a higher winrate before

Sym 3.0 isnt very good

imagine if people could get banned in WoW for playing let’s say shadow priest.

I think she had a higher winrate before because even less people used it outside of very super niche situations in which she was actually good at.

Now shes used by more people and under more different situations resulting in more risks taken and more losses too… personally Id like her left click to be addressed for once since its really frustating for a hero to have a very weak primary fire, almost no hero in the game has that kind of issue.

She has the exact same pickrate

Sometimes new syms pickrate is less then before depending on the week


which is how much? where are you pulling your figures from?

Hold on that checkmate

O.75 pickrate on overbuff

She used to have that same pickrate

Although for one month recently before new sym she had broke into a 1 percent pickrate

New sym has never gotten above a 0.9 percent pickrate but old sym did

Checkmate has been continued

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No, it’s not. That is 100% not a thing that is punishable. Sure people can report you for it, but something is wrong with the system if it’s suspending people for something the terms explicitly say isn’t an actionable offense.

Good, you don’t belong in comp.

Open question, what if the official terms of actionable offense doesnt align with what the community considers an actionable offense, shouldnt the terms reflect what the people doesnt like in a match? the rules have to be made for the people or the people have to be made for the rules?

The rules are whatever Blizzard want them to be, it’s their game and their philosophy. Just because most of the community wants to be GM doesn’t mean it would be a good thing if Blizz just made everyone GMs according to popular opinion.

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Overwatch rules are indeed what blizzard wants them to be, my question is what if a majority of players dont 100% agree with a specific rule, or more importantly if players think that other new rules need to be added, if they want to keep their playerbase happier shouldnt they take into account what the community considers right and what it considers wrong?

GM is a rank status which defines the player investment in the game, we are speaking of codes of conduct which define player experiences in the game, they are not comparable things, taking into account the community to establish a code of conduct makes a lot more sense, its not about granting popular wishes but to establish rules that are meaningful and applicable to mostly everyone.