Banned for playing Symmetra

“Yogi, all you play is Moira, you’re a pretty good Sym, why not practice on a second account.”

“I’m gonna get banned if I just play sym, good or not. I’ll prove it to you.”

Right now I’m trying to play my DPS heroes a lot more, and I wanted to play that on my alt account on my twitch stream.

Just spent the entire day spamming Symmetra in comp, climbed around 300 SR from gold to plat, just trying to get better at the hero and climb on my alternate account because I mainly play healer - and to avoid throwing in upper ranks, I decided to play at the rank my DPS would be best played at. Just got my acccount suspended.

Every single game I walked into, I had my mic muted, my text muted and played (carried) each game. It’s just really sad to see systems like this banning players for playing a hero they like. Might I also add- I was banned for, inactivity and game sabotage. Every single time I’d unmute myself or listen into team chat, I was met with toxicity and constant harassment. It’s just really demoralizing at this point.

Refusing to switch heroes, is not against the rules.

My bad, let me just stick to healer. I don’t know how a Symm with more than a 80% winrate in comp can be seen as throwing/sabotage by the system.


I get your frustration. I tried playing new symmetra in competitive but I was met with people flaming me for my pick (regardless if I was doing great or bad) and it ruined the fun out of playing competitive (which wasn’t that fun to me in the first place) so I just went back to one-tricking moira because playing only 1 hero isn’t allowed (according to my team) unless it’s a healer…


Symm 3.0 is pretty good, she does have one of the highest winrates in the game after all. Unfortunately, Symm’s reputation is so bad that her mere name invokes tilting


Your team probably assumed you were throwing and reported you multiple times. Then it just auto-bans you. Blizzard didn’t ban you for playing a certain hero. Or at least not intentionally. Not going in VC though when refusing to switch heroes can come across as throwing to most people. It probably didn’t help.

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When I do join voice and try and communicate with my team, I’m microwaved with sexist comments and people telling me to kill myself the moment I don’t want to switch.


okay so first , having your mic muted , text muted is a reportable offense (no communication) so u probably got banned for that , not for playing SYM

I genuinely don’t understand the hate against Symmetra.
However I’ve never EVER been reported (enough for something to happen) for playing my girl
so I assume you play on PC where everyone thinks she’s some kind of throw pick.

I genuinely hope that people stop being stupid and getting mad at people for picking heroes they’re good with. Like I’ll take a good Torbjorn over a bad Genji, I’ll take a good Mei over a bad McCree, yknow what I mean?

It frustrates me like ok you little hanzo main with no damage medal, you report me, with my 4 gold medals on Symmetra, sure, I hope you feel better about yourself after we win this game with no thanks from you.

anyway I’m sorry you have to deal with this :frowning: I send you my luck from one Symmetra to another and I hope people stop being garbage and giving you flack for it. :frowning: :heart:


Having no communication is not a bannable offense, because they’re still participating in the game and attempting to win, therefore there is no category for which they can be reasonably reported.


Personally speaking - and this is not a jab at you, I promise - I will always find it frustrating when any of my teammates turn off every form of communication regardless of the hero they play and how well they play it.

It’s a two way street through - you shouldn’t be met with toxicity if you are helping your team. I have never yelled at anyone for their hero pick, nor given them any form of toxicity - only when they do that on top of cutting off every form of communication. Even then, I’m not toxic, I just…stop caring about the person who decides to play 100% for themselves.

Idk, if you ever want to group up and play comp, I legit don’t care if you play Symm and I’ll defend your hero pick and ward off those toxic comments people give you. :slight_smile: As long as you communicate, I’m happy to join you and let you play whichever hero you like.


No it’s not? That’s just not even a valid thing to report someone for. Just because they aren’t making callouts or talking doesn’t mean they aren’t playing the game just as well as if they did listen.

You know how many voice coms I’ve entered and two guys are talking about dinner?


I love communicating and I absolutely understand, but there is little hope trying to communicate with a team throwing sexism and hate towards your face just for playing a hero. It’s not reportable, in the report section it even says, “muting your mic” or “refusing to switch” is not reportable.


Depends how well you were doing. While no one should ever be the victim of toxicity, playing an ‘off-meta’ hero and doing bad will lead to people flaming you and blaming you for the loss. I understand why you didn’t join VC, and I understand your frustrations. But I also do understand how they thought you were throwing. But there’s no excuse for toxicity.

nvm forgot that the reports got reworked , before there was a cattegory for no Communication , but refusing to speak/communicate with your team is still some form of sabotage

Every single game, I consistently performed my role as a DPS, I kept logs of my play too, I am a streamer and I want to expand my roles from just healer. I did my job, I was reported for sabotage and inactivity.


Not according to posts that Blizzard has made over time, it isn’t.


No, I totally get it. That’s why I offered to group up and play comp with you :slight_smile: As a Sombra main, I always give people the benefit of the doubt and I’ll always openly tell people to lay off one of our teammates if they start acting toxic. No one deserves abuse in any form.

Was just sort of venting about my frustration when I go into comp and I stay level-headed, but get people who are just like “NOPE, NOT GONNA COMMUNICATE. Screw you, screw the team, I’m going to do my own thing” and then I can’t…coordinate with them in any form :frowning: Not saying you are guilty of that - you’re muting them because you literally want to just enjoy the game and play who you want to play. And there’s nothing wrong with that. :slight_smile:

Might I also add, I went up almost 300 SR today, so I was clearly - doing my job.


ok well, when you get flamed and insulted for being a female, or screamed at for underperforming when you’re literally doing the most on your team, or the people in the voice chat are literally screaming children, or the people in voice chat are making useless chatter and noise, it kind of makes you reluctant to talk to your team mates.


What’s funny is my two favorite heroes are Sombra and Sym - and I can’t play either of them without going through this, it is so demoralizing.


Then yes, your account just received enough reports to get auto-banned. It isn’t Blizzard directly banning you. It’s not a fault with the hero you play, it’s just a fault in the report system and the communities narrow mindset.