Banned for playing Symmetra

That’s the equivalent of saying, sorry for the extreme comparison;

“Hey, maybe you wouldn’t have been sexually harassed if you wore more clothing.”

Toxicity, is not okay, regardless of whether or not I switch from my hero. That’s just not acceptable at all.


The logic is that people generally likes to have a degree of control and certainty in their matches, using unpopular heroes or refusing to communicate adds a lot of stress and uncertainty to the match and people dont like that in the long run, which means you will probably run into trouble at some point and it should understandable why.

Sure, it’s understandable.

Am I going to stop playing Sym when I want to?


Should I be banned or suspended for my decision?


Your example is horrible, but it would be more like “hey maybe you wouldnt have been harassed if you avoided areas you know are famous for rape, murder and kidnapping and walk in a safer area instead, with people you trust” , be smarter about it, dont just run into the fray and pray for the best…

Toxicity is not okay, but did you ever stop to think how those players you muted felt when maybe they could have tried cooperating with you? would they have anything positive to say about you?

Try and make a group that wants to work with you and know what you play. When I am bored of healing I just make a group (Sombra looking for non toxic team). People join, they are fine with me playing Sombra and we usually win too,

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Are you not reading anything I’ve already said. Jesus christ, please read my posts about how I did try and communicate and how I was instantly flamed for picking Sym and refusing to switch off her at the start of a game.

Assuming you didn’t buy a copy from the Humble Bundle, you paid the same amount everyone else did to play this game, and it is my opinion that you should be able to play it how you enjoy playing it, so long as it’s not detrimental to others who are playing the game.

Picking one character over another based on others preference should never be a bannable offense, so long as you are willing to work with the team and do what needs to be done.

If you didn’t have voice comms on so that you could at least hear them, I can see why they might report you. You may have had someone on the team repeatedly requesting a TP up to high ground, or possibly wanting to wombo/combo with your TP. You wouldn’t know, because you didn’t have VC on.

You didn’t have chat on, so even if they’d tried once over VC and got no response, they may have tried typing, and you still didn’t respond. While you may have been contributing to the team over all, you weren’t playing WITH the team. That’s what got you reported more than playing Symmetra I believe.

Then again, what do I know? I don’t even play competitive because I like playing Symmetra. I know if I do play competitively, I’ll face malcontents like the ones you describe in the initial post.

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See Bogdi0711 Gets it.

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I am not going to do that, because the people I play with generally are high rank and I play best as a healer at that rank as Moira. I’m not going to throw my diamond/master games because I’m playing a hero that I don’t play as well as I can play in those elos. So instead, I’m going to keep solo queuing and working on climbing with Sym or Sombra so I can get better and play at those ranks with those characters. How did I get to my rank originally? I did the same thing, I only played, Ana, Mercy and Moira. Did I get banned or suspended for it? No. So why can’t I do the same with Sym?

I’m not going to communicate or join a team chat that’s told me to go kill myself for playing Sym before the game has even started. There’s no point of it. Joining or not, it’s not against the rules anyway, you don’t have to communicate in OW to play it within the rules.

what rank is it? just out of curiosity ,

PD: nvm you did mention it, my bad

I’m not responding to you anymore, you don’t read posts. If you kept reading, you’d find the answer out.

^ yeah , I immediately stopped reading to ask just that, my bad

People like winning too, but that doesn’t mean playing poorly should be a reportable offense either. Honestly, abusing the report system this way seems a lot like cheating to me. The rules exist for a reason.


It starts on the lowest elo, where ppl are crying for 2/2/2 and if you don’t play that meta you are automatically a thrower and get insulted in voice and text chat.

It’s the same on other elos, where you are automatically a thrower for special picks, like Torbjörn, Symetra, Sombra, Widowmaker, Doomfist and so on. Not all the time, but most of the time.

The real problem is Blizzard itself. Blizzard makes it possible to report you, even if it’s not allowed to report someone for picking a hero or if you don’t switch. Just read the description of the report system.

You get reported for things which are not reportable, then you get banned because the number of reports exceeds a limit, all written by toxic people which doesn’t understand the report system or just report you because they are mad. If you count all together then Blizzard makes it possible to discriminate you with this report system. If enough toxic people report you then you get banned.


we werent talking about playing poorly, we were talking about the logic behind on being punished for no communication whatsoever.

Either way playing poorly or not communicating at all can piss people off, and given enough people is pissed there will be a consequence regardless of what the rules say. Now, you cant really control what people gets angry at but you can control the type of people in your group which is why I suggest if youre going to play in a group without comms or use an unpopular hero pick, your best to not get in trouble will be to find like minded people that is okay with it.

You can ofc not give a fliying duck about any of this like the OP and proceed to do what you want every match, just dont get surprised at the results afterwards.

Yeah that’s the thing… pissed off ppl reporting someone, most times a player which picks a undesirable hero. It’s all time the same!

Try it yourself! Pick Torbjörn and you get insulted before the match begins :wink:

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Banning players who make false reports sounds like a cleaner fix to me than expecting players to workaround rule breaking. They’d have to do some work upfront to infer which reports are false and flag them for analysis. It probably wouldn’t be that difficult technically - just labor intensive in the beginning.


I say it depends on how you carry yourelf, Id be fully prepared for that reaction beforehand and talk with my team before picking him about why Torb would be a solid choice in that match and ask them if they are onboard with it.

I also would be prepared for them saying no and then move on and switch to the next best thing. theres a chance however they will be all up for it and Ill have a chance to practice what I wanted, thing is you wont know if you dont try, but try in intelligent, less abrasive ways.

Dude, I’ve seen it happen tons of times. Someone selects Sombra/Ana/Hanzo (before the buffs and rework) and someone else on my team loses their sh*t and death threats start flying around instantly alongside reports. There’s no time for the off meta player to defend their pick before things go sideways - and they shouldn’t have to TBH, it should be on the rest of the team not to be toxic.

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Definitively not cleaner, Blizzard would have to go all CSI on every auction and investigate who is wrong and who is right and playing mom on every stupid discussion.

Its cleaner to me for players to find like minded people to play in the conditions you desire or to test the things you want to practice for ducks sake, I mean, seriously try it.