Ban system perma-banning clean accounts since Monday

Happy to see people’s bans getting overturned! Would love an explanation from Blizz but I know we won’t get one. I’d buy you all a drink if I could haha these forum posts have been so helpful with dealing all this


I’m very glad that everyone got their unban, it’s a pity that Blizzard won’t reward you in any way for an erroneous ban, but thank you that at least the unbans have already passed


I have had the same problem my account is still season 10 banned?

They are aware of that and solving the comp bug.

This topic is regarding the people who got a perma-ban out of the blue on their whole account, without having any prior warnings etc.


I now got the e-mail!

Thank you for reaching out to us. We have reviewed the actions that have been taken on this account and found evidence that allowed us to overturn this penalty.

We’ve very sorry for the inconvenience You should have access once more. Thank you for your patience while this was looked into.


Not everyone is unbanned, many (se my post) are still banned. Its not over and its not good.

Did you guys opened a ticket under techical or Appeal against penalty? My Ticket got answered 1 time with a random bot anwer.

iam also still banned and i could play for 3 days for my jades waepons and you dont give the people something for your fauhlt thats not fair for real and that this going on for 3 days by such a big company akward

Congrats, you dont even opend a ticket right?

I did right a ticket 1 bot answer and then no reply lol

It’s like they’re mocking me.

I just got an email saying “your weekly performance” and “thanks for playing, see you next week”.
Like a bad joke. First they ban half the players from OW, then they don’t manage to provide a quick solution (like just unban everyone???) and THEN they mock us with emails like this.
Blizzard you guys are really at rock bottom. If I hadn’t been with Overwatch from the beginning, I would never start playing OW.
The game had so much potential in the beginning.

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I have also been banned with no warning and I know I’ve done nothing to warrant this. Submitted a ticket and also got a response saying there’s nothing they can do to overturn the ban. Bit of a joke really having played the game so much. Someone at Blizzard needs to sort this out if so many others are in the same situation.

3 days and im still banned. how hard is to reverse the bans that happened these past three days. they are ruining more by just manually looking through and unbanning.

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I’m also still affected by these stupid season bans because of that disconnect on Tuesday. It’s so annoying! I already opened a ticket before I saw the message in the forum and I also just got that useless bot-answered text by the “GameMaster”…

How is this still not resolved, more than 3 days that I am ban because of the same server crash as everyone. I’ve got the battle pass, so this is even more frustrating.
I really don’t understand how disabling ban is difficult to do… It’s not fixing an in-game bug, it’s just changing account permission.
And why do we have almost no communication about it ?
This is really frustrating and very disapointing. This really should be treated as an urgent issue. We don’t all have multiple account to play on.


Guys, the bans that OP is talking about in this thread are permanent account bans, not the season-long comp bans that some people in here are talking about. The replies in here about getting unbanned are about the perma-bans. I think some people in here are talking about different types of bans.

If you were hit by a season ban, I would reply in a different thread specifically about the season bans. It sounds like Blizz is working on fixing it.

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i was also banned on monday around 6pm… ive submitted 2 reports during that time that were automated messages basically saying no to my appeal, then i submitted like 5 more appeals, i realized it was too much since i was basically panicking abt my acc being banned so i canceled the tickets then made 1 ticket, and its been 2-3 days and they still haven’t responded to me… i really hope this issue gets resolved i literally was asleep the moment i got banned and i haven’t violated anything to deserve anything this severe…

update: got my acc back!!


How? Did youre ticket get answered an resolved?

same probleme ban since monday after game cancel by the server .

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My account was banned for no reason. I logged on and was banned. I don’t have a mic and Blizzard doesn’t have a reason when I submitted a ticket.

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I woke up to some account closure email… For what? I haven’t done anything, i opened a couple of tickets and some auto response but i have gotten a suspension email after that for a month…

Now i’m confused i don’t even know if i’m banned or suspended at this point and all this for no reason @overwatch someone look at this, what is the developer team doing? Who’s in charge of all this?