Ban system perma-banning clean accounts since Monday

I got account banned for hacking. When I have never hacked (only platinum ranked player) and playing since 2016. Invested a good amount of money in a game too.
I’m reading online/watching videos if you get banned for hacking its unlikely to be overturned which is totally unfair for innocent people who enjoy the game. I have been banned for 7 days now with 2 same auto generated replies.


I am reaching out to express my concern regarding a recent ban wave in Overwatch, which I believe was issued without just cause. I have meticulously recorded over 230 hours of gameplay since receiving my last two bans, and during this time, I have consistently adhered to the community guidelines. At no point have I engaged in insulting behavior or used profanity towards other players.

This gameplay has been broadcast live to my Twitch and YouTube audience, providing transparent evidence of my conduct. Despite this, I have faced what feels like targeted harassment, which I fear is detrimental to the Overwatch community. Many loyal players feel alienated by practices that seem to prioritize monetization over community welfare.

I hope to engage in a constructive dialogue to understand the reasons behind this ban and to discuss how we can improve the environment for all players in the community.

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2 weeks since permanently ban and 2 auto generated replies on to ticket. 5 days since my last ticket reply and no response from them yet. Actually unbelievably poorly run ticketing system and customer support. The website states - “Customer Support. We’re available 24/7 to help with game, shop, and account issues”. That is false advertising.

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I do have 2 previous offenses but haven’t said anything in text chat besides gg in almost a year, definitely an issue with their automated banning/report handling system and if my account is perma-banned for sure I’m losing about $250 worth of skins. I’m just gonna uninstall if they don’t get this issue resolved and some of these bans reverted.