Ban smurfs faster or even instantly!

Maybe you want to reply to MagyTheMage rather than me :slight_smile:

Getting there is banable, a GM in Bronze obviously didn’t got placed there cause he tried…

if he threw to bronze, people will report him for throwing. If he wins in bronze, he will get back to a higher SR

Better: He gets a new account and plays like he is a bronce :wink: no one wil lreport him and after that he can free farm.

if he plays like he’s bronze he should stay in bronze. if he free farms, he’ll go to a higher sr

Ever heard of people that try to make bronze to gm, they play like bronze to get placed there to start their smurf terror.

smurf terror for like 1 game? they’ll gain 60 sr every game. Most people do unranked to t500, where the first placements are in silver, but by the end they are placed in masters.

Fitzy did bronze to GM, and people disliked it because he threw to get to bronze, and that’s when you report them, but he got to GM within a day.

So again, if someone really is smurfing, you won’t get him for more than a match, and not many people have the money to keep doing a bronze to GM evreyday

Did you see that? That’s basically saying that we get more and more smurfs or atleast alt accounts

The whole post isn’t intended to be about smurfs, but basically it is.

don’t club the two, alt accounts are not smurfs

People can be masters, but if they try and learn a new character they’ll be place in gold.

Do you even know who Jeff Kaplan is? If not well, he’s the Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment and Game director of Overwatch.

If you play even one game at a lower rank on any hero you’re good enough to play at your main account’s rating without putting your team at a disadvantage, you’ve smurfed.

What’s the point of having an alt account if you’re just going to play the same heroes you play on your main account? There’s many reasons:

  • To have the matchmaking system unable to track your previous match history
  • To provide anonymity
  • To bypass the reported count, because if they’re spread across multiple accounts, action is less likely to be taken
  • To avoid any penalties that would have otherwise occurred to your main account as a result of reports
  • To force more people out of top 500
  • To disrupt games at lower ranks
  • To be toxic basically without repercussion to your main account (this is going back to the anonymity and reports thing)
  • To inflate one’s ego

I don’t know about you, but most of these reasons are going in a direction I’m pretty sure Blizzard is not in favor of, in terms of principles. The only advantage is they gain some money in the short-term, but in the long-term, it’s a detriment to their game.


Abandon Overwatch play Paladins, I’m certain you will like it better, hardly any smurfs, no boosters, much more balanced.

They have said many times that it is fine.
FactCheck next time xo

What you’re asking is illegal. It’d basically be the same as theft for Blizzard to ban someone just for buying their game multiple times. So unless Blizzard is required to refund all those people their money, smurfs shouldn’t be banned unless they do something to get them banned, like cheating. And no, having another account is not cheating.

I mean Jeff and Geoff contradicts each other at many points like the state of Brigitte.

But one thing everyone has to accept here is boosting and throwing is part of the SR/MMR manipulation.

An unranked lv25-30 is… being ranked? And will be in their elo soon enough? It’s… how ranking works? You go through lower elos then higher ones to decide your MMR…? And if you’re doing well and have a good winrate you get more SR?

Yeah, report him
I have a few alt accounts(they are my rank, one of them is even 300 SR above me, I don’t have any accounts where I throw), and I despise people who Smurf.
Smurfing is throwing to get to a lower rank to “wreck the noobs”. I don’t know how they have fun doing it.

That is a permabannable offense. He is 1. throwing games, 2. boosting, and 3. creating other throwers.

I honestly feel bad for the people who suck so bad at their rank that they have to go to curb stomping children. It’s like a heavyweight wrestler was losing in the ring started fighting the middle school wrestling team.
People who have fun by ruining other peoples day are terrible people.

This is an alt account. IIRC, it initially placed at high plat but within a couple dozen games it was at masters, and eventually I got to low GM where I belong with my current level of commitment to the game. Newer accounts absolutely will not remain at ranks they don’t belong to for very long unless they’re intentionally not performing well (e.g., throwing), which is still bannable. But the act of starting a new account to focus on different heroes or otherwise play competitive to the best of your ability is not against the rules.

Blitivision’s principles involve squeezing the most money it can out of you. Period.

Smurfing isn’t bannable