Ban smurfs faster or even instantly!

See it’s not even about wanting to be pro, it’s just understanding what fps are. If you can get really good at one you’ll carry that into every game you play in the future. Anyone can get gud. Just takes awhile, but trust me its worth. You’re able to enjoy things better when you understand them.

you seriously dont understand overwatch do you? There is only one way to carry: Being much above the rank the current match is. Otherwise Blizzard intentionally didn’t make any hero carrying anything.

not its not :wink: Trust me, much more fun having engaing matches without thinking that i need to be better then the rest.

How do you know for certain that someone is a smurf?

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He doesn’t. Anyone that is better than him, and not just evenly matched, for any reason is a smurf.


not at all, so you ban alt accounts. Problem solved.

you easily say that without knowing the situation at all :smiley: you need video proof for everything or.

…why am I hungry for ramen now, I blame you user with ramen bowl for icon

Alts aren’t against the rules. How do you know for a 100% fact which account is an alt, or even an actual smurf, and they dont just come from an FPS background?

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Well what if an alt account belongs to a friend or sibling?

Wouldn’t matter, there is no way to prove it is even an alt since a new email is needed for every account.

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Alright, how bout this. That kid who’s “smurfing”, at the end of the day is just better than you. He\she wasn’t born good, at one point they were even at your level. They played a lot, practiced, and had the mentalitity to be better. Now they can enjoy the game on levels you can’t, but if you just took a little time, you can ne that good too. You can understand what you’re doing. You can constantly build on yourself to become better. You can be the guy to carry. Smurfs will mean nothing to you. Then smurfs will not be a problem to you. Blizzard won’t do anything for you here, but if you do what I just told, your problem will literally be solved AND you’ll enjoy the game so much more. Is it really such a bad idea?


Thats the point I was making. There is no way to prove its a smurf and no way to prove an alt account is the same person. So theres no way to prevent smurfing besides having a good ranking system and incentives to playing right.

thats a stupid argument. They can play at their level if they want, having fun in lower ranks doesn’t make them better… Again, just cause they are better, they are not allowed to free run on lower ranks… thats insane what you ask for.,

Hey I don’t know why they get off to playing in lower ranks lol. Id be bored as hell in anything lower than masters haha. Its insane to practice? Everything is a practice my man.

Dude. If you think it is a smurf, then report them. Nothing else anyone can do about it and you won’t get sympathy here because so many people cry smurf when they just aren’t good at the game. :woman_shrugging:

Ofc you are German :joy::joy::joy:

Du bist einfach schlecht, wurde dir im DE Forum bestimmt schon oft genug gesagt.

Ouch lol

I mean, my ‘friend’ smurfs. He boosts up my other friends SRs in group play, then afterwards plays solo and throws games so that he can derank back down.

That’s a lot of games every day that he’s ruining by himself. And he’s only one of many smurfs. And that doesn’t even account for my friends who are now boosted into ranks they don’t belong in. They basically become throwers themselves whenever they solo queue because they can’t compete at all at those ranks.


First i dont talk there, second, why insulting me.

It’s really funny how most of you insult me of just being too bad, thats really poor from you guys. Instead of acknowleding a problem, you just insult people :slight_smile: Nice how you learned discussing things.

The game has a smurf problem, its the same discussion as with widow in GM. She is seriously broken there, still people defend her that she takes skill and so on… She doesn’t take more skill then any other hero…

Smrufs do the same as Widows in GM, just with their prefered char (which always seems to be Genji, Widow, Ashe, Mcree or Tracer). Me loosing fights, cause the enemy has a smurf has nothing todo with me being bad, i’m placed in the rank i belong, i have fun there i have my friends there, so really i have no intent to get gud… I want fair and fun matches. Smurfs don’t provide that. You guys defend it with arguments that are not really applied here. If it would be for your reasonings we wouldn’t need any ranks, good players should just play with bronze and bronze should get gud then…

But the only way for that to happen is throwing or account sharing, which are both banable.

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And next game i had a smurf. This is so bs that they do nothing against that and you even defend it. You can’t play this game one day without a smurf.
And they always think they are something better and are entitled to piss on you cause they are “Higher Elo”
This system is so rigged, this is destroying OW more and more. And all this low skill high reward BS DPS.

It’s clear that it#s bannable cause he can’T get there without SR Manipulation

all my placement matches i got 5 of them atleast with smurfs where they admitted they are. And they had the level to be.