Ban hammer is ready

Blizzard is still trying to balance World of Warcraft.


Most of, but not all from my experience, was the need to swap outside of a congruent 2/2/2 composition was if the enemy team was not in a 2/2/2 composition.

I explained all the scenarios I could think of to my nephew. Yes, there will be outliers where you can run 3 DPS and win a match up. In 1200+ hours of Overwatch there may have been, to my estimation, two dozen times where this was the case. It is rare, and getting rid of that amount of rareity so tank and support players can have some semblance of normality is worth it, again in my opinion.

I get to choose from a whole number of 6 heroes.
A whopping 6.

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Is there a cheaper version of Overwatch being sold with only 6 playable heroes?

Found the person that enjoys trashing other peoples games. I’m sure you have many alt accounts ready to go so if you do get banned you will just swap to another account.


Lord, have mercy!

(no pun intended)

The answer is Premades, premades doesn’t communicate

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Yeesh, There are ALOT of false reports that get tossed around all the time.

  • Connection issues,
  • GWT (Gaming while tired and/or fatigued)
  • POOR SERVER connection problems
  • bad frame rates
  • People troll-reporting for the fun of it.

I am so hard core, I report myself for things I haven’t done.


At this point, all I can say is:

I hope it turns out well. I don’t think it will — but I truly hope that it does.

I think it has the chance to be a win. I think it has slightly less then 50% of a chance to fail.

I know, as a player who plays mostly tanks, I will play more.

I cannot say the same for everyone, though the more DPS players that leave, the faster the queue times for those that stay.

Throwing out of having a tantrum is “fun” ?

We’ll simply have to wait and see.

You will be at the rank you deserve in a role. If you are doing poor you will be in potato league for the role and things will look normal

Um — ok.

I was never talking about rank, but that’s good to know.

Because dps can’t hit the side of a barn.

Yeah that will work until you get out of bronze. And then such bad support play will leave you where it will stay

Prey for not getting automatically banned because you main an off meta hero.


In what world do you pretend that would be seen as throwing to their data?

If they use 1 year of data to determine if you’re throwing plus a group of actual people to determine if someone is throwing, I don’t think they’re going to ban someone for throwing just because someone reported you. :woman_shrugging:

Edit: He said a full group ready to go, so I’m assuming he’s talking about actual people but it could be a misinterpretation.