Ban hammer is ready

And whatever people want to play shifts as the game progresses.
I don’t ‘‘want’’ to play tank against a CC riddled enemy team comp.

Account bans equal more sales.

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Ok but y’all can’t ban toxic players


Why do you think switching off tank to a 4th dps will increase your chance to win?

Why do you think there’s already 3 dps?

Never have, not sure what you are implying.

I am in voice chat 100% of the games I play. I communicate with them. You know who doesn’t communicate? The person who picks the 3rd, 4th, or 5th DPS, that’s who. Abuse…lol…right. I am sure it will file a grievance with me at the next keyboard union meeting.

Well, I have never wanted to play with more then 2 damage dealers on my team. I did, begrudgingly for 3 years. Blizzard saw fit to fix that problem.

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And now, i will bedrudgingly be stuck on a single role regardless of what my or the enemy team is playing. You really think this totalitarian approach is the solution chief?


Are you talking about the idiots who claim battle Mercy and dps Moira are valid ways to play the game? Yep my report finger is going to be itching when I see them.


Well, if it last for 3 years and we go to something else, or back to what it was before then I would call that equality.

I’m glad to hear you communicate with your team.

I really am.

And I know that there are players who have yet to learn what the word “communication” actually means. So, I feel your pain.

But this feels like the wrong solution — if there even is one.

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Hey look, it’s Overwatch’s lead designer. And Jeff Kaplan is with him!


I have seen many suggestions that are not role queue, some good some bad.

None of them will ever be good for everyone.

However, this one is good for tanks and healers who dislike solo tanking and healing. It is now our turn, and if Blizzard can see that it isn’t working then we will move forward from there.

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DPS Moira’s come on down the price is right

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The price is “Bronze” “right” where you belong.

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report actually works, btw. use it. please.

do not let toxic lads roam free without a scratch. there’s no punishment for reporting absolute scumbags.

lads we heard it here

the ban hammer is ready

No need to throw I’m not happy either just uninstall plenty of good games out there. I don’t want the new system but no reason to be a dick all good thing me come to and end it’s just time to move on to the next best game.

Look, I’m a Support main — so I get the frustration.

I’ve had to solo-heal tanks and it sucks. But I was also able to switch temporarily to DPS if the team needed it.

That flexibility is being taken away.

It’s not about it being our turn.

It’s about what’s best for the team.

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RIP DPS Moira, Reddit Lucio, and Valk Insta-DPS Mercy.

There are trade-off we will have to live with now. 2-2-2 makes the game more balanced. Jeff said so himself. You can still be creative with a 2-2-2 comp. and it will be easier to balance heroes now when there is a set setup you have to follow.

Of course losing the ability to switch heroes to stall the point is not fun, but you have to remember that it is the same for the enemy team as well. So it’s not a lose-lose situation.

If it keeps people like you from ruining other people’s games because ‘the subsequent low ranked matches are fun’, then yes.

It is.

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