Ball is a useless tank

Funny I hit GM on ball. A rank judging by your posts and logic, one you’ll never reach. Skill issue

I’m not sure what the scoreboard I dictates or what this post is about, is he doing too much damage?

5 assist as ball, way to go!

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he is doing nothing just being useless tank.

Any tank can walk in and take point when you have a ball.

He will be the first to run away,

Then after you kill everything he will come and then run off again on recontest.

Once again I hit GM on ball. Skill issue 100%


The only skill issue here is a ball can be as bad as possible with zero feedback.

A widow when bad will know it.
A rein when bad will know it.

A ball or sombra when bad wont know it

its a design issue.

Just cause there are like 2% that have the skill to execute ball rest shouldnt suffer these lame designs.

I mean obviously there are bad ball players out there. Especially in quick play where you’re probably playing with someone just trying the hero or a casual player. Doesn’t mean the character is bad.

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At the same time there’s many people who don’t know how to play with a ball on their team


who dont receive feedback that they are bad.

The character is bad cause it doesnt give feedback to the player.

Our team did its best, esp our genji and kiriko.

I’m gonna give you a different perspective. As a ball main, probably one of the best in the world, I’ve had many games where I’ll go in, I’ll force sleep, nade, Suzu, kiriko TP literally everything. Now I just did my job as a tank. I took in all of those abilities for my team bc I have the HP to do so. It’s now up to my team to follow up off of that if I can’t finish the job myself. Attacking someone with no abilities a squishy especially is a free kill


see that’s the part we did the follow up part and killed enemy team, what we cant do is fight a brawl tank on point unless we have mei maybe and that’s a stretch.

We did kill the tank eventually every time, but by getting out of point and whittling it and its team. If there was a tank on point this wouldnt be necessary.

A tank that runs at the sight on enemy tank push to point is not a tank.

Also did you learn ball by playing him continously or watching various guides on how to play him, how many players do you think actually do that in qp.

The game is ruined by bad feedback heroes like ball sombra etc

atleast the one good thing with ball is he is still rare.

If you can’t kill a tank that’s not getting healed then that’s your problem. A good ball will make a support players life hell. If I force both supports to be looking at me and I force DPS to come look at me that’s making space. That means the tank isn’t getting healed. If you don’t capitalize off of that value then that’s on you


why would they not get healed ? ball isnt killing anyone. supports laugh his bhoops off.
Rest of us genji and me have to whittle them down and kill before we can go back to their tank by which he has 40% on point.

Yeah I’m not gonna waste my time with you. I was literally a bronze player at one point and made it to GM on ball. I had many people just like you flame me in low ranks and they’re probably still stuck there while I’m in GM. Good luck to you

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ya cause you went and watched many videos and learnt to execute him, most of the playerbase dont do that, they improve by playing and most heroes aid that.

Ball doesnt.

So, can’t play Hammond in your games to improve, can’t improve without playing, a real Catch 22, huh?

Fortunately the Hammond player ignored you and did well. As a Hammond player should.

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I’m confused though. The scoreboard you posted doesn’t support your statement. Maybe a replay code or something might? But based only on that scoreboard, I don’t see the problem.

What stat are you looking at exactly?

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That’s the point it can look like he did a lot of stuff but useless in the end.

Most of the kills were by me and genji, he just touched everything bhoop d everything and ran away, didn’t contest point when he needed to.

But the fact that you guys were able to get so many more kills than the enemy actually is showing Ball doing the right thing. Tanks make opportunities for the DPS, so clearly you had that space to make those plays.

I guess the only complaint here is that your Ball wasn’t contesting the point. Right?

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It doesn’t matter these are kills we would have gotten either way, what mattered was having a tank that doesn’t run away at the sight of enemy tank making your team back away and retake a capturd point.