Ball is a useless tank

That’s essentially all this post is.
“Look how bad this ball player was. Character sucks please remove”


The issue is when you do bad on a hero like reinhardt you know it, you are the punching bad of the game, get your butt owned and become a laughing stock.

The way ball is designed this player probably went thinking pog champ see i did great bad team.

You can talk all high iq and stuff but most players are casuals in qp, when they have a hero like him its just throw games.

They need to rework him asap.

You just said it yourself. The hero isn’t the problem, it’s the casuals who don’t understand how to play him. There’s no problem with heroes being difficult to play and understand. Not every hero needs to be as basic as Soldier or Reinhardt, nor should they. You’re just mad that you had someone play poorly (even then they still did better than the enemy team) and you are demanding changes because you had a bad experience. That doesn’t prove anything. I have friends who play ball and I’m happy when they do because they actually understand the hero and I understand how to play with them. I get that this is quick play, but that’s even more of a reason for you to stop whining and demanding changes when, like you said, it’s casual


You are making assumptions.

It’s evident you have no desire to have a constructive conversation about Ball. You just want to point blame due to a loss.

You seem to have a habit of blaming so many other things. A quick look at your other posts and replies.

“This hero is broken to the core on ladder in ow2 but blizzard will keep him overtuned to sell skins.” (Genji)

“Tanks can you not be stupid in overtime”

“Pick ball or doom or anything with a bit of mobility and touch the point.
Instead of floating or walking as sigma and orissa.”

You claim Ball is useless but also on another post ask tanks not to be stupid and pick ball or doom…

Do you not see a pattern here bud?

You want to climb or get better, start foucsing on your mistakes to learn from or keep making the same mistakes.

Good Luck to you.


Ball has adaptive shields… gains 100 automatically and 100x# of players within vicinity. Up to 700 extra shields if there’s a BoB on the field. That’s a 1400 health pool. What do you mean that can’t block damage for their team?

Slam in, slap your shield button, click heads, grapple to shake em up, click more heads, (something should be dead by this point) slam again, grapple out or shake em up again, get out. Rinse and repeat.


is this fake Jeff twitter account ?

Literally the tank with the most objective presence.

It’s clear that you

a. Don’t know how to play ball


b. Don’t know how to play alongside ball/have bad balls

Yeah he’s a basic Hanzo and wants to sit behind a shield on point instead of pushing and holding chokes while we murder the backline.

This. There are so many games that at the end of the match I’ve been told by the other team that I was seriously annoying AF. It is the highest praise a ball can get.

You clearly have no idea what a tanks actual role it. A tank is supposed to create space for his team to work. He has more armor/shiels/hp to do that, not to sit and be a damage sponge.

apparently you aren’t.

That’s not a tank’s job

Not even Bastion is really a problem for ball, wtf are you on about!?!?

100% this


Stalker stalker go away :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Genji was overtuned in season 1 and they took their time cause of bp sales

Is common sense that much to ask? It’s third point and your team needs you there pick something fast and get there instead of not touching at all.

The pattern here is I’m right.

Simply distracting the enemy is not the tank way to make space, since all DPS and Support heroes can “distract” the enemy team by shooting them. The thing that truly sets Tanks apart from DPS & Supports is their ability to prevent/reduce damage being done to their team. Wrecking Ball having a 1300 health pool only helps himself, not his team. It is the most optimal to always ignore Wrecking ball when he has his Over-health, and shoot at his team instead, since shooting into Wrecking Ball’s Over-health is a waste when it’ll be gone in 7 seconds anyways.

Catching damage that would normally hit a teammate is the 1 unique thing that the tank category does to make space. Only being a nuisance by CCing the crap out of everyone and dealing damage while only keeping yourself alive is not tanking damage for the team, and is extremely obnoxious to play alongside and against. This is why whenever a tank like Doomfist or Wrecking Ball are good, they get nerfed swiftly, because people hate playing alongside & against them.

Like I’ve stated, a tank like DVA can not only draw enemy attention to shooting her like you people say Wrecking Ball does, but ON TOP OF THAT, she also can catch damage heading for her team by using Defense Matrix. Having tanks that are fat DPS who frequently CC you (more unfun to play against than other tanks), is simply unhealthy for the game.

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Except for the fact that Ball is so tanky that if you ignore him, he jumps on someone vulnerable and takes a 1v1 he’s guaranteed to win. Ball takes space through lethality and displacement.

Dva is much more reliant on her team to keep space, and as a tradeoff is able to Matrix damage away. Dva is a nice middle ground between volatile space and safe space. Volatile space is the type that Ball and Doom make. They create much more space, but it moves around a lot. Get caught in the wrong area and you’re gonna become the frontline, killing you instantly. Keep up with them though, and you have even more space to play with and are several times more lethal. This is why you play heroes like Tracer with Ball; you need to be able to keep up and avoid becoming the frontline. Safe space is the type that Tanks like Rein make. They make less space, and they make it slower, but it’s more consistent. Pushing into this space means getting lasered, so less survivable or less mobile heroes are more safe in this space. It’s easier, but usually less effective.

Dva makes both types of space, but isn’t particularly good at doing either. While she’s safer to play than a specialist hero like Ball, she’s also less effective.

You’re simply incorrect.


When I’m occupying the attention of 2 supports and a dps they’re not doing anything to the rest of my team.

That’s a good way to end up back in the spawn room.

Just no.

This is even more proof that you have no idea how the tank role works.

^ This


Just because a hero can defend their teammates by killing the threat does not make them a tank; the DPS role is designed to kill enemy threats, not tank to create space for their team to deal damage.

Every tank can deal damage that forces enemies away if they want to survive, but what I’m talking about is that the real tanks mitigate damage done to their team while also being a threat. I will always say that a tank should never be an equal threat or more of a threat than a damage hero, since a tank’s role is not to threaten enemies with damage.

Tanks like current Hog, Ball, Doom, and Orisa are too much like a DPS threat, while also not being able to mitigate damage done to their team, and so they need changed for the health of the game. Reducing the frequency and/or strength of CC-focused heroes is also important for the game’s health. Having tanks that rely solely on dealing damage and CCing enemies is always going to be unfun to play alongside and against.


What makes them a Tank is forcing lethal 1v1s that MAKE people peel and turn around. They don’t make space by killing the threat, they make space by forcing other people to prevent them from killing the threat. If you can’t understand this you just aren’t even qualified to speak in this discussion. This is basic knowledge.

Ball does this too. Multiple people have to shoot at him to stop him from rolling all over their team. The bullets that hit him don’t hit his team. Understand?

The devs themselves disagree with you in terms of defining roles. How do you think Tanks hold space? If you push into it, you’ll die. All Tanks threaten with damage. That’s their whole thing. DPS are meant to either kill through healing or kill the ones that are healing, as Tanks can’t do this as easily.

In your opinion

No, they don’t. It’s far less healthy to literally rework 36% of the Tank roster and ruin the heroes for the people that main them.

No one said that Ball or Doom should be meta. And they pretty much never are for this reason.

Oh no? Not everything has to be fun for you, dude. They keep those heroes from being meta so the people that don’t like playing against them enjoy the game more. That’s all you have the right to ask for. Asking for more means that you’re prioritizing YOUR fun over everyone else’s. Selfish asf.

Literally every tank that can mitigate damage for their teammates deals some amount of damage that takes resources from the enemy team too. Reinhardt, Winston, DVA, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, and Zarya all do this, but they ALSO can mitigate damage done to their team as well.

The problem is that enemies can easily shoot his team while he’s rolling around or shooting his guns, and body blocking is not a reliable form of team protection (real tanks can body block too in addition to their team protection ability). The 7 tanks I listed above have to be dealt with too so they don’t keep damaging the enemy’s team, plus are able to mitigate damage from shots towards their team.

I literally said in my previous post that all tanks threaten with damage, but Reinhardt, Winston, DVA, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, and Zarya all can also mitigate damage to their team ON TOP OF THAT, which is what makes them real tanks.

No it’s not my opinion, it’s fact. If I have a DVA in-front of me instead of a Wrecking Ball, I have a much smaller chance of dying to enemy fire because the DVA can mitigate damage that would normally hit me, whereas Wrecking Ball you have to cross your fingers the enemy are constantly trying to target him instead of you.

They ruined Orisa for the people that liked playing her OW1 kit. If we had OW1 Orisa instead of current Orisa, there are players that would like playing her more than current Orisa, and players that wouldn’t, but you also would have the people playing alongside and against OW1 Orisa more happy than playing against current Orisa, so it would be an overall win.

Moving Doomfist back to the Damage Role and OW1 Doomfist’s kit, but with no stun, less displacement of enemies, no enemy slow on Meteor Strike, and less burst damage potential than he had in OW1 would make him way more fun to play against, while still maintaining the feel of playing Doomfist on live.

My Wrecking Ball rework would keep his play-style the same. Wrecking Ball would literally play the exact same if his Adaptive Shields reduced the damage enemies deal instead of giving himself Over-health, you still would have the same ability roll outs and your ability would still help yourself survive. I would reduce his knock-back and knock-up some too, but he would still feel extremely similar to Wrecking Ball today.

Roadhog is already being reworked to mitigate damage for his team while keeping his play-style in tack, so…

So you agree that their design is unhealthy for the game? Because you agreeing that Ball or Doom should never be meta is saying that their hero design is unfun to play against compared to other tank designs.

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Not anywhere near the same degree because they’re not creating an off angle. Try again.

Yeah, if they’re ok with their Supports dying.

I’d say being in the “Tank” role is what makes them a real Tank.

No, it’s an opinion. Saying that something is “too much like x thing” is always going to be an opinion. Do I need to teach you what that word means or can you keep up with simple English? Do try to keep up, darling.

Wrecking Ball doesn’t play in front of you. He plays behind the enemy team and takes focus off of you.

It’s not crossing your fingers. Ignore a Ball, and your Supports are dead, which will kill you.

And they shouldn’t have.

No, it wouldn’t. Displacement and stuns are a major part of Doom and removing them would remove the hero’s identity.

And he still wouldn’t be in front of your team so in your eyes “not a real Tank”.

Nope. Ruins the hero.

Hog shouldn’t have gotten reworked in the first place.


No, I agree that they’re not super fun to play against.

Not every hero needs to be fun to face. Doesn’t make them badly designed.

Okay look dude…you have two chocies with a WBall teammate.

1 - Handle yourself better. Use cover, stick to your other teammates, play safe til something happens.

2 - Watch your tank and wait until he engages or draws the enemy’s attention away from you. That gives you free reign to fire at will.

The secret to playing with a Ball is waiting on piledrive to hit.

A good Ball will play closer to his teammates and within your sightline. This is why Ball works great with hitscan types like Ashe and Widow. Ball racks up the targets and his dps can follow up with a clean shot.

Since you can’t do that. The other option is to play dive with the Ball. Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Pharah, Echo a lot of heros can swoop in after Ball does his thing to engage in an aggressive dive strike.

So several things wrong with your play style there.

I’ll be happy to review any replays you have and I can denote how and where the ball may be in the wrong, or it might be you. Who knows really, in the end it ain’t you who’s going to fix that previous Ball player, you can only work on yourself so that the next time you start blaming a Ball tank rando, you won’t suffer as much.


Ball been WRECKED for sure.

That Ball has basically the same stats as the other guy presumably playing real tanks, and Ball’s DPS are doing better than the other guys so clearly Ball is doing something right. What’s the issue here? Is this post ironic? Do you think Mitigation is the only important tank stat?

The charitable take is that he’s getting carried by the DPS I suppose but with just the scoreboard to go off of there’s no way to tell. Ball’s job is to disrupt the enemy team so his team can take advantage of them being knocked out of position and wasting cooldowns on Ball, Genji in particular benefits from that.

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Pretty much, but even then I’m perplexed. The Ball had more elims, more assists, and fewer deaths than the enemy tank with a similar damage number. Are they only looking at damage mitigation because that’s not Ball’s core strength?

And their team’s DPS seemed to do better in the elims department too which shows that the Ball was creating the necessary space. I’m not seeing the problem in the numbers by themselves.


Kaplan’s an MMO playing dummy though, he’s intentionally kept Sombra awful because he hated rogues ganking him in WoW. This was his way of hitting back at stealth oriented players.