Ball is a useless tank

The thing has zero objective presence, it and your team can kill all you want but without obj presence its all for nothing and enemy team wins.

They need to rework him so he can be a tank

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Umā€¦are you playing him right?

Iā€™m doing fine spinning in circles and forcing all eyes on me dude.

Think of Ball as a dynamic tank. He wants to focus on certain underhanded goals much like a magician does to distract you from their sleight of hand techniques when they perform.

Ball does this by being a nuisance.

Would you call the Kids from Home Alone easy prey when they wete guardians of their own domains? Noā€¦they absolutely protected their houses and in such indirect ways, but each moment they had a hand in defying the invaders and they knew whose fault it was entirely.


im playing hanzo i dont play tanks, no you are not contributing anything to team.

Your team tries to play around you to vexation.

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Thats kinda your own fault for playing a hero that wants to hold a space down when Ball wants to constantly be in motion.

My advice. Pick something more agile or use a hitscan sniper.

Ball cannot be in two places at once and right now, contesting space is better than playing your shield bodyguard. Iā€™m sorry, but thatā€™s how it goes.

In the same manner that Ball players handle themselves, you neesmd to do so as well when you have a Ball teammate.


As a top 500/GM 1 ball player since OW1 days, I beleive the problems is ball is a high skill ceiling hero to play right.

You have to be very consistent in disrupting and creating space for your team. Teams that refuse to capitalize on the space ball makes are not going to do well with him. Once I realize my team will not take the space thatā€™s made from them I will switch if I can not hard carry.

I will agree to an extent at the GM 1/500 heā€™s not as effective as he once was. Thatā€™s just the nature of the ever changing meta. The nerfs to supports may help ball.

However, a good ball throughout the ranks below can absolutely wreck and hard carry games if played right.

A slight buff maybe, but even that is at a knifes edge as a small tweak could make him OP.

Ball is such a uniqe hero and is very rewarding to players that take the time to master him.


Anyone saying Wrecking Ballā€™s design is good for a tank is like saying Tracer would work as a tank without any changes. Making enemies look at you because youā€™re a threat is literally what DPS heroes do, so making enemies look at you does not make you a tank.

What makes a real tank is having an ability to reduce/prevent damage done to their team. A DVA diving into the enemy team would be considered ā€œa threat enemies have to focus onā€ just like Wrecking Ball, but on top of that, DVA additionally has Defense Matrix that can reliably block damage for her team.


If you buffed her health and nerfed her damage, Tracer absolutely could be a well designed Tank. Her entire kit already works in a way designed to make space.

WRONG. What makes a Tank is the ability to create space for their team. This can be done through shields, lethality, etc.

Tanks exist to give their team space that they can be in safely. Ball does this quite well when heā€™s playing with people good enough to synergize with him. He knocks the enemy around, creates a TON of space when trying to kill someone because a 1v1 with him is death, and takes a ton of resources to finally go downā€¦


Skill issue to the max. Not being able to play with a Ball means that you arenā€™t good enough to play heroes like Tracer that synergize with him. Maybe start adapting to your team.


im better than hitscan

We had a genji too, he did as well as me, the ball is useless, first to leave point when enemy tank rushes in, last to come in after we kill everything.

Useless tank.

just bhooped everything to pad his numbers.


Not to try and shame for skill level, but what rank is this? Ball is a hero with a very high skill floor and even higher skill ceiling relative to other heroes. That also goes for playing with a ball. Heā€™s not as simple to understand as heroes like Reinhardt or Orisa where its pretty obvious how to get value out of them. Walk forward, do damage, hold space, win. Ball is nothing like that. Balls physical presence isnā€™t enough to get value and considering yours had 6 deaths in this match, they donā€™t know how to stay alive either. The problem isnā€™t ball, itā€™s the player.


it qp so ? even then enemy tank was dead more, its simply this hero cant give you presence if enemy tank walks in and short of mei i dont think i have many options on dps to compensate for that.

Heā€™s fine even in game modes where he has reduced HP

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were you can play 20 tanks

He worked in overwatch cause the other tank took responsibility and let him do ball stuff.

Now its more than a massive disadvantage.

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Or by himselfā€¦.as several have pointed out on hereā€¦there arenā€™t that many heroes that can actually deal with him

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he cant do anything usefull either, short of jq i think every tank walks over him, the other tank doesnt need to do anything just walk to the point.

Because you donā€™t know how to play him or play with him doesnt mean heā€™s a bad tank.

I donā€™t just make enemies look at me. I make them use most if not all their cooldowns so Reaper can Ult, or Genji, Sombra, etc.

I make space, which is one of the most important jobs of a tank. (Note: I said ā€œoneā€ of the most important jobs.)

I kill the support thats right by a dps that keep shooting the tank and yelling the tank wont die.

I casue so much disrupting it makes it very difficult for them to foucs my supports or dps.

I deny, take or hold space thats critial for wins.

Itā€™s funny, when im winning games Iā€™m told Ball is OP and when I lose games Im told Ball is terrible. Theres no inbetween.

So quick to blame others we miss the opportunity to correct our own mistakes that can help us improve.


Itā€™s pretty clear that the enemy team in general wasnā€™t playing nearly as well as your team. Your ball did about as much as the player who did the most on the enemy team.


Stop with this narrativeā€¦their job is to create space

Which CAN involve soaking damage for othersā€¦.but mainly itā€™s being able to deal with the damage that comes with being front and center and in peoples faces

Itā€™s NOT about ā€œdefendingā€ your team


Ok so because you had a bad player on a Tank, the Tank is badly designed?

You are not very smart, are you?

Yes. Her entire kit already plays like a Tank.

Ball is such a different design for a tank compared to all the others. When the low IQ DPS cant just sit behind an invulnerable Orisa or a shield, they complain. Thatā€™s the beauty of Overwatch. Knowing how to play multiple heroes with different playstyles allows you to work with different team comps and play with almost any other character on your team.