Ball changes are lit

Not gonna lie these ball changes are kinda lit.

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Which ones? Did I miss a patch?

It’s an experimental… in exchange for not being able to grapple directly out of spawn, Ball got a couple small but useful buffs. Chances of the ball changes going to live in the next patch I think are very high. Probably the whole patch, really… as much as people don’t want to see more Doom or Genji, there’s no changes that are all that crazy.

Wrecking Ball

Grappling Claw

    Now begins on cooldown after respawning

Adaptive Shield

    Cast time reduced from 0.2 seconds to 0 seconds
    Duration increased from 7 to 9 seconds


    Proximity mines no longer stick to walls

Developer Comments: Wrecking Ball is the fastest hero in the game which works well for his disruptive playstyle. However, to help reduce his contribution to objective stalling, his Grappling Claw ability will now start on cooldown upon respawning. Proximity mines will no longer attach to walls as it resulted in accidental bunched up placements, out of range from most enemy targets, more often than any intentional clever uses.

I’m not the biggest fan of this change because the reason I think he’s so fun to play is that he is so fast and I like that you can get back into the fight quickly from spawn. They are making him more into the tank direction rather than speed.

I don’t think the doom “buff” will really do anything doom ult isn’t used offensively that much you can just feed faster.

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it gives you more escape options, allowing you to use it more offensively

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Doom’s ult can be used offensively, allowing him to use all 3 abilities and then vanish into his ult, where he can hang for the entire duration of the ult to let the cooldowns tick past, and then he can do it again (if it will win the teamfight) or use 2 abilities to attack and one to escape (if it won’t win the teamfight).

In this scenario, he’s now going to be able to hang in his ult for much less time and return to the fight with a timing that is more likely to be relevant … which in turn means he is going to be more likely to use his ult in this offensive fashion and less likely to use it just to get away.

How much more useful his ult becomes offensively remains to be seen, but ults are not meant to be escapes, instant reloads, or the like and when they are they get changed until they are used in the intended fashion.


The Roadhog change should have been in the game F-ING 2 years ago.

Gives 25% less ult charge, passively.

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still waiting to see the benefit of orsisa’s 4 legs. winstons meteoric headbox. cancel rein charge? anyone? WHILE we still have players who…inspite of the constant nerfs…want to play tanks?

Don’t worry…i wont touch tank unless i absolutly need priority tickets. whole role feels like doo doo to play. been playing since beta…and ive seen 2x as many nerfs as buff…10x as many buffs to dps as nerfs. I know full well why overwatch devs calls overwatch a dps game…because they literally only care about how the game feels for dps players.

long que times for dps…oh man better give them faster que times. barriers a problem…oh guess we better nerf that…everything is done for top tier overwatch…where 70% of the player base…ISN’T.


Orisa should run at horse speeds, and Winston can only use primal rage when the player rages, (P.S.) don’t know if u need it or not, but sometimes you just need a break from competitive overwatch.

Hard agree. Playing Ball to Masters last year was so much fun, nowadays for some reason playing any tank feels like I just stand there, stun locked, begging for heals.


“And what’s our solution? To cut the role in half in our next game while simultaneously gaslighting the community into thinking its a good thing!” - Activision execs probably

I read that as his own ult charges 25% slower. Does it actually mean that it gives 25% less ult charge to the other team for damaging him?

Yes, that’s what it means. I thought it was pretty clear.

I guess it is, but I didn’t really take it all in at first.

Give orisa a bull charge when she rush towards enemies with20% dmg resist and boop them up like bob. that will give her an escape and engage option as well as repositioning tool.

whether is ow1 or ow2…my plan is still simple… and still brilliant…farm tanks…and press Q.