Awesome Hero Concepts - TM

I think it would be neat to have a hero that can carry other heroes on top of him/her/it like a mobile platform. I’m thinking something that flies, which could also make it qualify as a flying tank which we don’t really have at the moment and maybe it has a barrier projected at the front which heroes can crouch behind for protection. Also it can drop bombs.

Thank you for your time.


i hate the image that is attached


Finally, the carry hero we need


Flying bastion :heart_eyes:

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This made me laugh…Look at the artwork !!
I like it !!!
Modern day Picasso you are !!


A: Love that image

B: Trollers and throwers will have a field day


I think it would be neat to have a hero that can hide behind cover and enter a channeling state where the player possesses a phantom version of himself that’s immune to enemy attacks. The phantom can then step out into the choke and freely blast enemies and their bullets will just go right through it BUT the meditating hero is left vulnerable to attack.


imagine someone trolling with this. they pick you up and then throw you into the enemies. :joy:

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LMAO !!!
The art work is amazing !!!

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thats bascially lana from rainbow 6 siege, except she cant attack with her projection

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This is it. This is the opportunity for Jetpack Cat, using a hook or claw big enough to carry someone around like in crane machines.


Make more of these ideas !!!
use the same kind of artwork

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Flying Tank

HP: 200 Shield, 200 Armor, 100 regular

Passive: Carry-All
Can allow any player/player object (Turrets, Barriers and Self-destructing Mekkas) to be on their back.

Primary: Minigun
A long range, low recoil weapon with high capacity. Damage is low but rate of fire is absurd.

Secondary: UGBs x4
Unguided Bombs that deal 50 damage in a 5 meter radius. No fall off but Tank must be overhead and drop the bombs.

Ability 1: Deploy Trophy system
Fires a pod that will deploy into a Trophy system. Blocks all enemy projectile damage (like Matrix) over a 5 meter AoE. Can be destroyed.

Ability 2: Repair
Heals self and any allies within 3 meters for 20 HPS. Resource dependent like Bastion’s repair.

Ultimate: FAE Bomb
Creates an AoE effect that deals increasing damage to targets that remain in AoE. With each passing second, a stack of 10 DPS for 5 seconds is added to targets in AoE. Cloud lasts for 5 seconds.

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I think it would be neat to have a support hero like Mercy except she has a “THICC-O-TRON - TM” which has two beams. The first beam sucks the THICCness out of an ally and stores it inside cans of Spam. The second beam pumps the THICCness into another ally so they can become huge.

Obviously there would be gameplay benefits to losing and gaining THICCness and players would need to be strategic about that. For example a skinny Mei would have improved movement speed and jump height. A super THICC Mei would gain a new ability where she can pick up a Roadhog and gobble him up to restore health.

Thank you for your time.


I think it would be neat to have a hero who can create Slicer omnics that move forwards and cut through enemies as they go just like in the Uprising event. Also, she could have a hovering drone to direct her minions just like the Necromancer in Diablo! She could also self destruct Slicers to do a burst of AoE damage.


I think it would be neat to have a hero like the Runner alien from Aliens vs Predator 2. So, it needs to be a total glass cannon with 150 health but it’s super fast and can leap across the map and climb up walls but not like Genji and Hanzo, I mean like actually be able to climb on EVERY surface and even climb upside down on the ceiling. Also it tears enemies to bits with its claws but maybe not have the head bite and acidic blood because they’d need to make it a bit different so they don’t get sued for blatantly ripping it off.

Thank you for your time.

PS - That’s Tomato sauce btw so I don’t get banned for being too graphic.


Yes please! Somebody hire this person!

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Omg the Spam beam is priceless :joy:

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I think it would be neat to have a hero who glides around on a skateboard but it leaves a path of scorching flame in its wake so you can cut off locations of the map, split enemy forces and encircle heroes in fire, leaving them exposed and vulnerable.

I think it would be neat to have a hero who’s basically the musket character, he holds reload to “charge up” (drink from a seemingly endless glass of milk) and laughs really hard to release it in one big burst

His backstory is that he’s a pro wrestler named The Milksplosion who has a technique that’s also called The Milksplosion, and now he’s going to war

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