AVRL (Overwatch caster) on Mercy damage boost

Depends on the jurisdiction actually, but that’s splitting hairs and has literally nothing to do with my original point and you know it.

If the best you’ve got is “well actually he doesn’t work 40 hours a week and have leave, insurance and other entitlements but Blizzard still pays him for a service” you’re contributing nothing.


Point is he doesn’t speak for blizzard and can have his own opinions. Just like owl players themselves talk about heroes as they like.

Just wait until they realize the beasts that Lucio, Moira and Zen are. Lol like if Mercy was any unhealthier than Lucio playing ping pong with the tank or Moira doing absolutely what she wants.

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Zenyatta’s Discord Orb is a completely different type of problematic.

Mercy’s existence has the game in a chokehold because every single ability and weapon needs to be tuned around Damage Boost.

Zenyatta just makes tank a miserable experience. I personally think Zenyatta was a bigger factor in tank being unenjoyable in OW1 than the CC of Mei, Sombra, Brigitte, Doomfist, etc.

I love Mercy, she’s my favorite hero to have on my team in soloqueue when she’s playable, but it doesn’t mean damage amplification isn’t problematic for the game.

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You know who else existed before ana,echo etc

Sym. Would you say shes well designed?

Yes Mercys blue beam should change it is the most boring and broken part of her kit. It reduces you to pocket the best player. I like to be there for my whole team.

You could make it that the blue beam gives over health or something intresting. Or you could even make it that you shoot instead of having dmg boost.

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What about changing her boost into a stun and up her healing?

You know what’s actually problematic? Having a low cd + high mobility ability, damage dealing CC, AND a near one shot, all jammed into one hero. The fact that 2 supports can make it a 1 shot? Oh those two Must be the problem.


What? Don’t you think that butchering Mercy so Sojurn can now oneshot without needing external help is gonna save the game?


I agree… I understand that kind of hostility from players, but I cannot fathom why that would come from blizzard employee…

I think they did it by choice… So Vivian will stay strong in the meta, and sell more skins…

So? one, out of 5… You have 4 others ‘aim based hero’ in a match per team… Plus, Mercy was not meta since like 4 years now…

Also no one is talking about Winton zaps?

Good… if you have OHKO I should have a way to undo it…

And it takes 1,75 second to do the animation. And during that I am severly slowed, I have slightly bigger hitbox and I am glowing with a giant banner ‘shots here please’… Oh and that has 30 seconds cool down… If you cannot get second pick during that window, it means you just got lucky in a first place…

Mercy is not bad for OWL tho? You know when I actually watched OWL last time? in 2018 during Moth meta… after that i stopped bothering…

I agree… Their need to either scrap the whole idea of OWL, or fix it to the point it is interesting…

Both are actually nerfs to Mercy… Since she won’t get ult charge from that…

I’d like to know myself…



Yup… and some folks think that is ‘boring’… For whatever reason…

It isn’t… But some people want to force on others their idea of fun

Not every other, but quite a lot

If you talk about hard pocket? Yeah I don’t think that there is a single one of us that wants to do that…


But that is how you play her now… You almost never hard pocket a single hero… Unless it is something degenerate…

and also Support*


No one is saying to delete railgun?

We are saying that it should not do 195dmg?

I don’t have fun to play against one shots, tracer, genji, McRightclick… But you don’t see me going around forums and calling for deleting those things from game, do you?

Simple QoL changes:

  1. Valke does not break beam
  2. Smoother movement in Valk
  3. A bit better passive
  4. separate sensitivity for staff and glock

That is already the best way… If you hardpocket one person you are doing it wrong…

They would be meta even without her…

Zen exist also with on target blue beam…

OH, only the fact that zen boost damage of his whole team…

but yeah Angela created the problems…

Nope… Last time we had mercy meta was moth… that was 4 years ago at this point

If anything constant meta is Lucio…


Yes… Since Zen players do not hard pocket any one… And there is substantial amount of Mercy players, that got to the game because their friend/SO asked them to play mercy and hard pocket them…

That just gives Mercy players bad rep…

huh? so how is it different than with Zen? sojourn can OHKO the same with blue beam like with purple orb…

Hardly broken…
And if it is boring gameplay for you, just play other support? :thinking:

PLay kiri then… You can heal, and then shoot… Or Bap… Or zen…

Do you see where I am going with this?

That actually creates boring gameplay loop, when you have nothing to do when your team is full hp… Now you dmg boost and feel useful, without it you just stand there I guess?

I know but the problem is: that is the most optimal way to play her and win game. Pocket your broken DPS (mostly Soj) and let them win the game. Its not that its not possible, more that you get reported for helping your team instead of pocketing your DPS.

Because it functions as the inverse.

A blue beam gives Sojourn the capability to charge rails 30% faster off any source (including deployables and barriers) and gives her the potential to threaten a oneshot on 4/5 enemy players at any point ontop of giving her the potential to burst a tank for well over half of their health pool.

Zenyatta marks a single target with a very clear marker that increases all damage they receive for as long as he maintains LoS.

There’s a reason nobody is picking Zenyatta to enable oneshots, even when it’s theoretically possible.

They’re obviously not equivalent and trying to deflect by pointing at Discord Orb is plain dishonest.

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How about we look at the whole picture instead of just one piece of the puzzle…

I mean, they clearly remember that they have damage boosting abilities in the game, they just don’t care to tweak numbers to work with/around them. Sojourn with 80 base would be fine imo, not make her broken - and it would still benefit from damage boost/discord.

I don’t know. Everything seems so…ugh.

Happy hump day.

Maybe a hot take, but Mercy players being upset that there are now toxic folks calling for their hero to fall on the sword so another hero who is plainly very powerful even absent Mercy can stay powerful is completely reasonable

We currently have an issue with Support queues. Even Blizzard has acknowledged there is a problem with the role in OW2. Goading and antagonizing Supports is not a smart idea.


what an argument,lol

How Ashe is poorly designed? After the nerfs caused by mercy pocket, she is litterally unplayable w/o the pocket. Ashe fault for sure. Now you can do only tickle damage outside the boost.

Yay I don’t know, apparently people thinks that damage boost as a balance meassure is something wrong so I guess they will have fun when dps and tank oneshots people non stop by themselves.

I guess thats the same people that didn’t enjoy the game having barriers so idk, deal with no sensewatch I guess.

Ashe was the second best DPS in the game (behind Tracer) for almost 2 years at the end of OW1, the meta was consistently Ashe+Tracer at the top of the ladder with few exceptions.

Ashe was also one of the only heroes who ever took consistent playtime from Sojourn during the last season of OWL, notably during Junkerqueen meta.

If these upcoming Sojourn nerfs actually hit the character, Ashe’s strength will only increase.

Excuse me? She 2 taps people from across the map, its like Widow but more mobile. And she also has The Bob and The Bob can flip an entire match.


A spicy take, but a valid one. It comes down to if we want a better game, or if we want overwatch, with all it’s warts and scars.

For the record, I want the latter, but there’s no denying that the game would have been better if certain characters never existed. And no, deletion after the fact is not the same as never existing.

Good take