AVRL (Overwatch caster) on Mercy damage boost

How about just removing headshots from Sojourn alternate fire so that it’s more on par with helix rockets instead? It’s a unfun one-shot ability that creates extremely boring gameplay and she has mobility and cc (even tho she’s DPS) on top of that. Unfortunately i’m afraid that you can’t nerf Sojourn without a certain group of people crying about it tho.


I do think dmg boost has been an issue for a long time. Grav dragon, with Ashe; now with sojourn. Plus the whole pocketing playstyle is not fun to play against, or with assuming the mercy isn’t pocketing you. Idk how to change mercy, but I hope someday they come up with changes where the best way to play her is to actually heal and support the whole team.


He is not a blizzard employee. He is a freelancer who does casting for contenders and owl. The same way a content creator with a sponsored video isn’t an employee for that company. He does not speak for blizzard.

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It is not wrong.

Every dps that mercy has touched has become meta and then getting nerfed instead of her.


sojourn headshot and constant damage is pathetic, she can oneshot like a widow and do much more damage while unscoped and moving around the map. and the problem is mercy? the worst healer in the game for years? LMAOOO


it is not fair to compare mercy damage boost with zen discord. Mercy has to literally focus to ONLY BOOST A SINGLE PERSON, thats literally the same as having a left click damaging projectile LIKE EVERY HERO IN THE GAME. Zen does damage, heal and discord an enemy that can be focused by 5(used to be 6) people at the same time. How is that the same? its not. Thats why zen is one of the best heroes in the game for years and its been a top owl pick for years and mercy has NOT, the moment where mercy gets play then she is op? god these children are stupid and probably scared of women


Even if OWL was cancelled today you’d just find someone else to blame for the state of the game (probably the high-ranked streamers who apparently are whispering in the devs’ ears despite almost all of them disliking the recent patch).


Was Mercy even meta before Sojourn got nerfed/“nerfed”?


No, this twitter guy is delusional and just wants to dumpster stuff that doesn’t fit in his vision of the league. No hero deserves this sort of treatment.


I’d settle for removing the headshot bonus from railgun altogether outside of her ult. Maybe we’ll get there eventually…


Idk why people are complaining about mercy lmao, her whole thing is pocketing. How about we just nerf soj, eh?


Which is exactly the problem

The only hero I’d want gone is Widowmaker since Im tired of playing hide and seek simulator :wink:

Fact of the matter is they’re gonna keep making new heroes, and every time they do we’re probably gonna have to end up having a conversation about mercy since her damage boost breaks them in someway. I guarantee it.

Often yes :slight_smile: But we will only be getting DPS over a year apart.

Perhaps the problem is not Mercy but trying so hard to transform ow into COD.


A caster for Contenders/OWL is a Blizzard employee, even if they’re only employed as a contractor.

I’m aware he’s not a full-time employee.


A contractor is not an employee.

Fair, I feel like whats really the problem are the Mercys who just stick to pocketing one person. Instsead of helping the rest of the team, idk I dont play mercy as much anymore

Ok ok… Nerf Blue Beam, ok…

But then where giving her 60 hps.

Actually for that matter, isn’t it interesting that Mercy is apparently the only damage booster for whom this is an issue? I never see any of these people go after Zen pocketing despite him being equally capable of it.