“Avoid” player feature

Currently there is a Prefer Player feature in game but I feel a Avoid Player feature can really better a lot of peoples time in competitive play. People can use it to not run into toxic people or “one tricks”. Let me know what you guys think of my idea :slight_smile:


That idea was implemented in the game when the game came out back in 2016 and was abused a lot, creating longer queue times and noise into the system. The feature was removed long time ago.


S1RK4M is correct. Here is the details:

Developer comments: The “Prefer”/“Avoid” player system was designed with the best intentions; however, it’s not currently performing in a way that we feel is healthy for the game. While the “Prefer This Player” option is more or less working as intended (and is thus still enabled), the “Avoid This Player” option has impacted the matchmaker in negative way and led to some very poor player experiences across the board. Although we like the idea of being able to say “hey, I’d prefer not to play with this person,” the implementation of the mechanic is not where it needs to be. We’re still looking at ways to iterate and improve upon features that empower players to reduce toxicity and harassment in their games; we just want to be sure these features don’t accidentally punish positive community members as a side-effect.

Additional questions? I have a handy FAQ here that might cover them.


As others have said, this was in game at launch but was removed.

I feel that was a big mistake.

I’m sick of the seeing the same throwers, trolls & smurfs in match after match on Xbox, despite them being reported by many other players.

I want to flag these people as Avoid this Player so I never see them again.

I don’t care if it makes my queue times longer. I’d rather spend a few more minutes in the queue than put up with people like that ruining the competitive experience for others.


The problem is that it didn’t make the queue times longer for the player who tagged the disliked player, but it would make the queue times longer for the player who was tagged. You may choose to avoid that player for what your perception of griefing is, but if in reality a player is not violating Code of Conduct, they would still suffer.

There is a way to actually avoid those people you’re so annoyed with… get out of their SR range.

They are just as good as you are.

blizzard reasoned the removal of the avoid player feature to some high level widow getting barred from games because so many put him on avoid.

personally i dont think anyone ever could be so good that theyd get locked out like this and suspect aim assistance and denial

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the matchmaking system is too riddled with bugs and poor logic for this advice to be good


You’re not able to throw enough to drop a few hundred SR? Suit yourself.

Easier said than done.

How am I meant to get out of the SR range of platinum smurfs when they’re throwing while on my team?

If you’re going to offer advice to someone, make sure it’s good advice.

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So now you’re advising people to intentionally throw?

Obvious troll is obvious.

You’re the on complaining about players. I provided you an answer to that problem. Whether it’s right or wrong it’s still an answer and would solve your problem. I’m not advocating you throw. You could either throw or get better and raise several hundred SR. You’d get away from those, specific, people you’re looking to “avoid”.

You just told someone to throw several hundred SR, now you’re actually trying to claim you’re not advocating throwing?

The unmitigated gall!

Reported for (obvious) trolling and muted.

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Like I said before: Suit yourself.

they just need the avoidance in effect for the first 5 minutes of the queue time. After that the avoidance is null and void. I think that’s a good compromise.

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I would tend to agree that would be a simple solution. However I further recommend taking a break for five minutes when you had to deal with a toxic player. Chances are if you jump back into queue after such a match, there is a good chance that you will be still tilted from the incident.

Removing this feature singlehandedly ruined comp and its just further proof that rather than using logic to determine what worked and what didn’t and how to reduce false negatives, an illogical muh fee fees approach was applied and the feature was deleted altogether. You’re not going to see it brought back though, because as the community continues to prove, we’ll still play the game even if the experience is terrible. Therefore fixing this feature produces no monetary benefits.


but there are other legitimate reason to avoid people, such as, you think their Btag name is super lame, they didn’t run up against the door when the spawn timer hit zero, and many more. Toxicity is just one of the reasons to avoid.

preferring players feature should get removed that gets abused as well honestly if you cant figure how to put both these features in the game respectively they shouldnt be in at all my opinion

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Urg… Just make it one sided and limited to 3 hours. Simple.

I don’t care who I play against. That was the issue with the first system.

Make it so I can avoid someone being on my team and not applicable at the extreme SRs (so Top500s and sub500s don’t suffer queue times)

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