“Avoid” player feature

Why don’t they just give people a linit of how many people they can avoid like give them 3 avoid a player and when they want to avoid more people they would have to remove them from their avoid list to add someone else. This can potentially help people that get queue’d with a certain person they don’t like off their team for a bit and then they can have a better match quality

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I think If you successfully report someone for breaking the rules, then that player should be avoided to you.

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That would require management to have any faith in their reporting system or its efficacy. snark

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The reporting system is kinda flooded with invalid reasons. The more valid reports you send them, the better the response.

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If you successfully report a person with confirmation that action was taken, they are likely suspended or banned. Henceforth, they are now avoided.

And this takes how long?

By the time action has been taken I’ll never see the person again anyway… It’s a matter of avoiding a player for an evening.

uuuh … sorry but no … unless ofc youre in top500 or high GM … there is too many players who would have to avoid you for you to have high Q times in lower ranks … and if literaly everyone in given rank avoids you … then you probably do have a problem and shouldnt be doing whatever youre doing to deserve that



Just don’t allow the feature for GM and above and 500SR and below.

There are too many players between those ranks for it to effect queue times…

Not so simple.

If I put a player on Avoid for trolling/throwing/whatever reason, that means I never want to play with that player again, not just for 3 hours.

Yeah, but you’ve gotta account for potential abuse.
One doesn’t generally get matched up with the same person again the next day or week, but rather the next match or few matches, so I’m OK with a limited avoid function.
Also, the old function was both ways. I just want to avoid a team mate, not an enemy.

The prefer player function!?
Now THAT’s abusable!
Person trolls - you show agitation - they prefer you - Joy!

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nah … recently i met player that i thought i knew … and then i remembered … it was the hanzo thrower dude from few seasons back … hey guess what was he playing still ? thats right his epic hanzo 300 hours barely over 40% winrate … oh but hey you dont meet the same players few days later let alone seasons right ? WRONG!!!

agree with avoid teammate function … but make it last … i would prefer it being pernament (for i dont want to play with toxic/ not cooperative/ throwing/etc players …)
i used to play original dota back when it was just a map for WC3 - i played it on garena … i was hosting matches mostly - and when i didnt like player for whatever reason (leaver/troll/feeder) i just banned them for myself … over the course of years i played it i had literaly nearly 5k ppl in my banlist - did it affect my games ? surely it did … not so many trolls etc … did it make me look for ppl to play longer ? probably by a small amount (had games set up within 5 minutes usually) so the excuse that the players would have long Q times is literaly BS non existant garbage of an excuse

This would only apply to the highest and lowest ends of play. Top500 has only 500 people in it, as an example.

I agree for the most part. The rest of us wouldn’t notice the extra 3 seconds it might add…

yeah i wold even argue it wouldnt happen there either way … they just dont have reason to block each other witch exceptions of stream snipers that ruin games for said streamers - but those deserve to get blocked anyways so i dont see any problems

They had one. Then someone jerk complained that he wasn’t getting games because everyone was avoiding him.

So, the jerks won out. Game is still a toxic cesspool.

But hey, maybe jerks buy lootboxes.


The matchmaker already finds it difficult for them. Sometimes they get put into Masters games it struggles so hard to find them a game…

Er… no.

They had it so you could avoid them alltogether.

It wasn’t a jerk complaining, it was a very good Widow Maker that people were avoiding so as not to play against them.

We don’t want this feature. We just want to avoid people on our own team.

Why do people always get this confused in these threads??


You were able to avoid players on opposing teams? Seems like that was the problem, and not the avoid feature itself.

Just get an ingame LFG, then we never have to suffer from random queue again.

Explain to me how we avoid players when it matches us with them? The only option to not play with them would be to rage quit, which is not an option if you’re trying to fight your way to higher sr. The whole problem is people like that, which keep good players in lower sr than they’re supposed to be.

I know one could make the argument, “Just git gud and carry.” But that’s not easy when your mindset is focusing on being a team player, focusing on the objective/payload, rather than being a showboat.

“Avoid player” is now called “Friends.” You just don’t queue when they’re in queue.

But you have to not be toxic in game so that they will actually accept your friend request, so… good luck.
