Average gamer reaction time is 150ms... pfft ya right!

So I found a static that actually said literally typical player base reaction speed is 150ms… to which I call absolutely :poop: though thanks to some research into the subject I learned that normal reaction time for the regular player in a fps game is between 300 and 500 ms and pros usually go between 100-250 milleseconds. just a funny little rumor I found and proceeded to stomp out. :joy: :joy: :joy:


My average reaction time is 180 milliseconds, does that mean I should be a professional???



Lol well according to my statistics you are actually correct, if you have that kind of reaction time then if you polish your aim a bit more Im sure you will be on a pro team lol , youre actually 10 ms ahead of me im 190ms and it was fun realizing oh my reaction is good but my aim needs some work I guess. but hey man hope you get on a team lol

Now i wonder how bad my reaction time is…


You have to consider more things like set up and connection. You can have the best reactions but if your connection sucks you will still be the one who is getting killed.


you can test it, just type out " reaction test" and itll be the first one you find also theres a ton of tricks to get your reaction time better, like training your hand by wrapping a rubbe band around your fingers and slowing opening and closing it for 5 minutes a day or squeezing a stress ball very slowly and very har for 10 minutes a day follow these steps and you should see result in your reaction time if you keep practicing the steps and going over the reaction timer.

Did two different tests, going to say im around 300, first one was like “average 276” but other site showed it little higher.

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candy crush warlords showing fps players up smh

reminds me of the time someone on the forums said 1.5 seconds is god tier reaction time, got a good laugh from that


just keep on practicing youll get lower with time and dedication but still thats above average so hey not bad man!

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i would believe it if the average was 150-200… ive noticed a lot of people think they have slow reactions but it’s actually just a processing issue. too much to focus on, not enough of their gameplay is done on instinct and they gotta think about it instead. as much as people like to think they’re good at multitasking, the human brain is pretty one-tracked when it comes to things that require focus

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Reactions aren’t as impressive as game sense and aiming skill. I am genuinely fast, and also awful at games. Probably do better in fighters.


If you want to train your game sense but want to a different game to play instead of getting your butt handed to you in overwatch I recommend playing killer in dead by daylight, you learn to get itno their mindset and gain a sense of what they will do and when they will do it, this sharpens your game sense VERY quickly while playing something new, now you can just you know " play overwatch until you develope it" and if you do I recommend the support role since their job is literally keep people alive, find an opening to charge in , and manage ult economy well , which as fun fact… all the things that make great game sense, er well at least the majority of it all. point being is want fast results? play dbd as the killer for a week then come back , or just play support. these two will easily make you see results in a short period of time, I can promise you this. either that or well you purposely aren’t wanting to learn from mistakes and will continue to make them. lol


My reaction time is 210 ms, and I am still in gold :woozy_face:

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ITs totally fine, reaction time is not the only thing that goes into it if so we would all be on contenders, lol but if it makes you feel any better youre a pro in my book~ the main thing that people should learn is to keep a cool mind in horrible situations like the payload is pushing and theres only 5 meters left normal players will dash in and fight tooth and nail, a pro will go in see what they needs to take out first, target and eliminate them, then clean up the rest of the mess, all while remaining calm and collected. But no reaction time is good but not the foundation of being “pro”



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There is such thing as display lag, so your monitor, cables and mouse directly contribute to your reaction time.

When I moved my computer, I apparently hooked up my monitor to the wrong port on my GPU. There was noticeable lag in multiplayer games, and I noticed weird things like:

*Roadhog hook combos killed me when I was still being pulled
*People escaping my combos easily
*Doomfist combos happening INSTANTLY, with no way to react
*My body “teleporting” slightly after my death animation was done, like the game was struggling to keep track of my position

I switched the cable into one of the other 3 ports, and everything seemed normal.

It doesn’t help to have a fast reaction time, if the reaction itself isn’t “professional” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep many factors go into being " pro" game sense, calm headed, reaction time, map awareness, countering, having a solid set up, hell even sportsman ship is important in being a pro. When it comes to the road of success people have it all wrong, if you see the issues in your team and not yourself, you will NEVER be pro, but if you go through your vids see what you did wrong learn from them and follow all these steps, sure youre not a pro but you are on the right track.

Reaction time is honestly not the most important thing for OW. You(by which I really mean your brain) spend most time predicting upcoming events rather than reacting to them. Game sense > reaction time. Of course this varies depending on which heroes you like playing and obviously better reaction time is still going to be a benefit.