Average gamer reaction time is 150ms... pfft ya right!

I have an average reaction time of 180ms

But I also have 100ms ping

Explains why I’m not GM yet right?

These “Tests” are pointless.

The most you play a game the better your “Mechanicals” & “Gamesense” become. You can start at 225 MS reaction on a new game but after 4 months you will be under 150 MS or even less

Its the same if i tell you Go to play NFL vs profesionals players they will eat you alive. Now if you consume 5000 Calories per day during 1 year and hit the gym 4 times at week then that will be another story.

So yes the reaction time improves the most you “practice” something like everything on the life.

The “profesional players” become pros because they play 12-16 hours at day overwatch since 2016 so they have over 5000-6000 hours into the game compared with the “average player” barely hit 1k hours

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I just did the human benchmark and mine came out to exactly 180ms. What’s weird is that I either got ~155ms or ~210ms on every attempt. I feel like I could get it a bit lower if I could use a button other than my mouse’s left-click. Something I could really mash without a thought.

also uh…that may be reaction time, but question, when is acting without thinking in overwatch really that good of an idea

I dunno. I just noticed when I was trying to do that reaction test that I was slower because I was worried about my mouse moving from me pressing the click. I actually added some tape to it on the left-click that I cut grooves into for grip and that lowered it a decent amount it seems. I think it also decreased travel time downwards. It’s not good to react without thinking, but, presumably, if your reaction time is lower that means you can start thinking of a plan sooner.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to react within the exact frame you’re cognizant that you need to, but for strictly shooting purposes that’s effectively what it means I think. Obviously playing angles/cornering and positioning in general matter a lot too.

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I believe the actual reaction time for anyone is in the miro-second range for reflexes.
Then add in, PC lag time, Identify, Prediction, Decide, Execute , and PC lag time.

Notice the lag time on both ends of the equation.

reaction time = Pc lag + Identify + Predict + Decide + Execute + Pc lag

The better your PC ping time to the server, the better your reaction time may be…

you are right, I just think in reality planning and knowing what to do is gonna beat who reacts quicker almost every time

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That’s interesting.
I looked at humanbenchmark, and found this
“While an average human reaction time may fall between 200-250ms, your computer could be adding 10-50ms on top.”

On humanbenchmark , I score ~160 ms reaction time. I wonder if thats any good.

Well it’s not like it has to be one or the other, but you’re right. Probably playing with average gamesense and above average aim is worse than playing above average gamesense and average aim. Also, reaction time, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t imply or correlate strongly with better fine motor control. You might start the flick sooner, but how accurate the flick is I think depends on more than reaction time.

That depends a lot on display tech. I think you can get up to a 360hz or so monitor now although 120/144/165 is far more common. That, combined with getting very low latency from a graphics card, low pre-rendered frames for instance, can mitigate exactly how much effect this has.

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With a high latency connection, you’ll never be able to block any shatter as Rein even if you see the animation starting. You may predict it ok, but that’s another story.

Yep, Windows, mouse and keyboards have their own latency. That’s why people tweaks them in order to reduce the input lag.

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I think those numbers are for people with your average, non-gaming computer.
If you have a specialized build or parts, I think it’s going to be better.

I’m getting old, so my reaction time has been slowing down a lot. According to https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime , my reaction time is ~204ms with me dazing at the red screen.

Not sure where you got that number. Maybe 150ms is average for pros but not normal people. https://dotesports.com/general/news/how-to-increase-reaction-time-in-gaming

I hate it when you you’ve reacted fast to something like snap!, only to die randomly. Then you see the in-game replay of your death, it showed you never having reacted lol. :sweat_smile:

Going to try that test after a nap

Reaction time is something that’s really easy to misrepresent.

Average human reaction time is 250ms, and trained people can get sub-200ms (olympics track and field measurements go nearly as low as 100ms), but that’s basically measuring pure fight-or-flight responses (like trying to block a thrown punch) or “prepared” reactions like sprinting at the sound of a gunshot in a race.

Reacting to something like a McCree throwing his flashbang or a Sym turret hitting you is never going to be that fast, because there’s an extra layer of processing where you have to determine what it is you need to react to. I don’t know if there’s been any good research into this, but it’s more “quick decision making” than it is actual reaction time.

On the other hand, gamers (and not just professionals) probably skew better than the 250ms average reaction time anyway so maybe it all comes out in the wash. Hard to say.

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I play Overwatch BECAUSE my reaction time is bad, at least relative to these Gfuel guzzling kids. Compared to reactions irl, I look like the tweaker.

Mine is literally 150ms, 500 is over a speed that you would experience while drunk

Most of the reason we can aim as well as we do is anticipatory reticle positioning. Nobody actually uses raw reaction to make shots.