Audio packs from Midtown

As here, I found other vocal lines without subtitles for Midtown map that I would like to explore further with transcriptions. they should be extremely easier to understand, having a clearer sound (but, being Italian, I could misunderstand). can you help me? :pray:

I divided the audio into two subjects: “Audio robotic” and “Audio announcer”.

Good finds! By the way, how’s the archive going? I’m eagerly waiting its returm!

do you mean the online audio archive? I think I will reopen it in April, if all goes well. :sweat_smile: However, I would like to include the map voicelines. Could you help me with the transcriptions of these audios?

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Sure, when I have the time tomorrow. It’s pretty late here in the Midwest. And thank you for the info!


for now I hope to find a way to decently extract the voicelines from New Junk City as soon as possible (still difficult to do), but in the meantime I’ll carry on with the transcriptions of the various maps :hugs:

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