New Junk City Audios

I’m an Italian user but I don’t know English well simply from listening. I noticed that in new Junk City it is possible to hear various communications. Can anyone help me figure out what they’re saying and write it down?

I know how to download the voice lines, but they did not contain the subtitle. I’m sharing the files with you, it would be really great to know if anyone can tell me what is being said. :hugs:

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They are heavily accented and there were many words I couldn’t hear or comprehend, but I did my best:

Audio 01: (some kind of tv broadcast, don’t really want to bother with this one)
Audio 02: Shut the window Ted! No, the other Ted!
Audio 03: I can’t focus on me (???)championship’s sports run with all that racket!
Audio 04: Down ba(??)! I said fangs, down! We are not losing another sofa today.
Audio 05: Keep it down! I’m trying to watch uncle Brickles sinkick(???) challenge!
Audio 06: It better not be another double cow stampede down there!
Audio 07: Can it, will ya mate! Scrap champ junior is on!
Audio 08: Eeeh, the generator is overheating again, team. Nobody panic, unless it gets toasty… I’m taking a break.
Audio 09: Eh, generator’s making a weird sound! It’s like, clanking? But wet…? Lovely rhythm though.
Audio 10: Okay, who’s been swimming in the coolant tanks? You left your [???].
Audio 11: Crew, stop complaining about the stink! That’s just how Garry is made! You’re hurting his feelings…
Audio 12: Rigo(??), crashaguy(???) is beeping again. Gotta give it a kick.
Audio 13: Alright, the iceweknows(??) is getting a bit high again, sigh. If any teeth falls out you know where the glue is.
Audio 14: Ah, who blew the fuses? Matrigagal(???) just got to the forest of friendship!


The first one sounds like roadhog hosting a pachamari show


THANKS! :hugs: some possible correction on what you detected:

:white_check_mark: Quotes:

  • Audio 02: Shut the window Ted! No, the other Ted!
  • Audio 06: It better not be another double cow stampede down there!
  • Audio 08: Eeeh, the generator is overheating again, team. Nobody panic, unless it gets toasty… I’m taking a break.
  • Audio 09: Ehy, generator’s making a weird sound! It’s like, clanking? But wet…? Lovely rhythm though.
    Audio 11: Crew, stop complaining about the stink! That’s just how Garry is made! You’re hurting his feelings…

:memo: Possible Corrections:

(if it doesn’t convince you, you are free to correct it further.) :pray:

  • Audio 04: Down buddy! I said fangs, down! We are not losing another sofa today.
  • Audio 05: Keep it down! I’m trying to watch uncle Brickles singing challenge!
  • Audio 07: Can I break you, mate? Scrap champ junior is on!
  • Audio 10: Okay, who’s been swimming in the coolant tanks? You left your dump.
  • Audio 12: Ringo, fresh guy is beeping again. Gotta give it a kick.
  • Audio 14 (by Hazelet) Ah, who blew the fuses? Magical Cow, just got to the forest of friendship!

seems a tv show, it says:

  • (Chorus) Catch-a-mari!
  • the feeling of getting a pachimari with praises!
  • A pachimari meets a hog! (laughs)
  • who’s ready for a catch-a-mari?
  • Catch-praise!
  • (Chorus) 3-2-1

:mag: To be identified

I still don’t understand what he’s saying in the first part, it sounds like “ice nose”

  • Audio 03: I can’t focus […] championship’s sports run with all that racket!
    I dont know that hew said here. :person_shrugging:

If there’s anyone else who knows what he’s saying I hope they can understand it. :sweat_smile:

Bjørk, could someone help me also in this? It’s more understandable, I promise. :confounded: :pray:

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