Attackers have 44% WR on Starwatch

I think a lot of the decent Empire players have moved on now that they have their event challenges done.

Sigma isn’t that great against Dive tanks.

D.Va is better vs. Ball/Winston than Sigma is by a long shot.
Brigitte, however, is very bad as a solo healer.

I mean I’m having fun with it

Yep. Like everything else in Overwatch. Nothing is explained. Not even the objectives in the current event.

Additionally, the win ratings don’t give us much information about the team comps used. Or the behavior of most of the players.

Many players will obviously heal with Mercy, but you don’t see too many Baptiste or Lucio players actually try and heal their team and Ashe is a few steps harder to play than Soldier, or Bastion.

Quoted for emphasis.

I went ahead and played a few games as a non-Support, and I wasn’t surprised Attackers would lose. The sole-Support healer wasn’t healing when the team was working on the turrets, wasn’t using Immortality Field, and wasn’t even trying to heal the team. Most games were lost with the Support healing 1k or less.

Most of my winning games on Attackers, I had to heal about 4k on average.

Again, issues of behavior and not explaining game systems is the problem. Supports need to heal their team; they are healers.

Unlikely, and most of this is anecdotal.

You still have players thinking Supports shouldn’t have to heal or support their team.

Double-edged swords. Plus no explanations about them.

Sigma can lay winston and ball out with rocks, which has a stupidly low cooldown for the power it brings to the table.

But sigma is also just good against poke DPS, so he doesnt even need to bother with the winston or ball that is getting bodied by the mercy boosted bastion and turrets.

For attackers I find the most important thing a lot of teams don’t do is destroy the turrets before pushing forward. You can literally shoot the first turret before you even leave spawn, that most people don’t do this is a shame.

Defense, it’s just a bit hard. You have a better team but the "choke points’ of the map are awkward because they are just odd corners in an old map not designed for it.

I also find defenders are more likely to waste time trying to get picked up instead of just respawning on their own.

Um, no, you didn’t.

Maybe some guy looking for views has a 44% winrate on attack though.

The devs never said this…so…

Yes they did, live everyone else did.

Why would OP lie?

It’s there as a post, not a video.

I think we can all agree that this event is completely underbaked.

It may serve the purpose for Blizzard, but this is just not it.

It’s so poorly explained and heroes/team comps should have been thought through before the skins were.

I assume it’s difficult because the lead time for skins is so long but that’s what they need to do.

Hopefully they learn from this.

Provide the link.

…what are you even talking about. You failed chatgpt bot or something?

All I see on this thread are hitscan players who can’t play the Rebels. I’ve never lost a match as the rebels.

You don’t know how to play anything that isn’t hitscan and it’s so obvious.

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Yes it was a post or update from the PlayOverwatch YouTube channel with a graphic.

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Lol - when you are too ignorant to understand, instead of investigating, you assume everyone else is stupid.

On YouTube you can post images from a channel, not just videos. They are called “posts”.

Go to the “Community” tab on the PlayOverwatch channel and scroll down. You will see the post.

Now apologize.

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I wonder what the final results will be, from my experience of about 15 games, the watchers have won almost every time.

Bro your awareness is so far behind you’re in first lol, they were joking

I’m just shocked that anyone even plays Starwatch enough to make a video of it. I haven’t played it since the first day. I already forgot it exists.

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I am shocked, considering in my region, I have been getting rolled nonstop as defender.

Do people just not stack ults and rush to points?

44% vs 56% means defense wins 27% more matches. It’s every bit as broken as I predicted. :joy::+1:

The big mistake was forcing you to play Winston or Ball into the enemy Bastion/Turrets/Sigma. Ball as an option is absolutely terrible there, and Winston isn’t great either.

Okay who did your get 27% please show your work

Horizon already a defense lopsided map, wacky gamemode, unusual control point locations, unsurprisingly people are gonna have some trouble

If you think one side winning for the slight majority is totally unbalanced then you gotta get the all or nothing mentality out of your head. Not everything has to be 50-50, and 44-56 is very close to 50-50.

It’s like flipping a coin if the coin was ever so slightly more likely to land on heads than tails. Yeah, you’d rather pick heads, but you’re not exactly at a major disadvantage if you end up choosing tails.